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tiger musky
i would like to try something new, but have no idea how to do it or what to use. i would love to try to catch a tiger musky on my 8 weight. where would i even start? any advice is appreciated (unless it comes from Trout_Slayer [:p]). thanks in advance!
Pine View (and a 6 wt will work) Metal Tippet or heavy tippet like 30 lb +
They are a sight thing also. Perch imitations are good, but I have friends that catch them on Haresears.
Good luck and post lottsa pictures!
Guys at Discount tackle. or some of the guys in the Fly shop at Basspro fish for them.
[center][cool][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4][#005050]To quote Doug MacNair[/#005050] [/size][/#008000][/font]
[left][size 4][font "Arial Narrow"][#005000]"The Flies - In the case of the musky or pike, bigger is usually better. Big top water poppers and sliders and big deceivers would be my choice. Don't leave your eel or snake imitations at home. Of course, a big woolly bugger, say size #2, is always a handy fly to have available. Whatever you choose, by all means go weedless. If you can entice a strike, it's most apt to come from heavy cover."[/#005000][/font][/size]
[center][font "Arial Narrow"][#005050][size 4]Pretty much like fishing for eastern pickerel except bigger. Oh yes watch out for those nasty teeth.[/size][/#005050][/font]
will these work?

edit* my brother (Trout_Slayer) says my pics are to big, which i cant figure out because when i view them they are normal size, am i doing something wrong?

anyway notice the streamer, i also have one in flash white, and flash yellow, as well as a few wolly buggers like you said, but i left those in my pack in the car. let me know what you think.

*picture size should be no larger than 450 pixels wide
[inline "Musky flies.jpg"]
go to you tube. pineveiw tiger musky. a good video on what you want.[Wink]
im fishing for them in colorado this week and utah next week, ill look anywho thanks
You may want to try some flies that have a profile a little more like this. Also there is a product called toothy critters,it is a tyable ( I can't spell) wire leader, you may want to try that. I attacthed a pic of the flies. How did you get your pic to show up on the bottom of your post.
[inline flies.jpg]

[cool][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4]Hi there tailgrabber - your attachment was too wide to view without scrolling the screen. Therefore I reduced it to 450 pixels wide & the program reduced it further to 380 pixels wid.[/size][/#008000][/font]

Thanks. I tried using that pic resizing thing. I guess I didn't get it right.
Because musky are sight feeders, I would suggest that you pay attention to their forage base. In other words, "match the hatch".

If the basic forage is perch, use a fly that looks like a perch, and fish it to imitate a perch. (size, color and action)

Musky are pretty smart fish, you will get a lot of follows from them while they are trying to make up their mind about biting.

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