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I'm still here
So, Dry Rod is out playing in the sand (FFFFOOOUUURR) I am still here and want to hear what everyone is planning for the weekend.
My weekend is warming up, but I have to work this weekend. All good however, cause Monday and Tuesday are suppose to be back to normal temps so, thinking the Middle Provo, unless flows are too high, or maybe just the pond. The pond has been very, very, good to me[laugh]
..sounds like you have a good weekend planned there sis.. mine.. hmmmmmmmmm

.. was hoping to go fishing in a local lake in the am but turns out my grandson has an early baseball game.. so if I am able (sinuses acting up) I will go to that.. but that leaves the late afternoon and early evening open.. if I am up to it I may hit that lake anyway..

.. like you, our temps are gonna be high this weekend (90's + ).. so not sure how active the fishies will be.. the lake in question is a small lake and not overly deep.. any suggestions on what I may want to try.. besides an m-80 to get this skunk off of me..hehhee

MacFly [cool]
[cool][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4]Having a wireless laptop is cool, helping me keep in touch with the real world.{BFT folks} Everything else belongs in Mickeysville.[Wink]Yup as MacFly said we in for a hot weekend. 100+.Just ran into a fellow from Montana. He said it was snowing when he left home. Should have offered him my house in exchange for his for two weeks. Now that would be real cool.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Yup! We got another dusting of the white stuff yesterday. To warm to stick but, with the wind it was COOOLLLDDD! We are definitely in for a shorter summer this year. Or a longer summer and no spring, but that is when the floods start.
Hasn't slowed me down any, but WARMER (not like your HOT) days would be a nice welcome.
we are suppose to get higher temps like DR said with Santa Anna winds blowing.. translates to sunny hot day with hot dry winds blowing.. makes for a warm, warm, day.. maybe it will help to clear up my stuffy head.. its the type weather you could get on the water in the early am or the late afternoon/evening.. I am gonna shoot for the latter at a local lake..

.. hey sis.. you didnt say what I should use.. [sly]

MacFly [cool]

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