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Solutions For The Top 10 Jigging Mistakes
Solutions For The Top 10 Jigging Mistakes

[#000000]See if any of these tips can help you catch the big one.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]1. MISTAKE: Slack on the Drop[/#ff0000] - Some anglers lift the jig, then quickly drop the rodtip so the leadhead falls on a slack line. No good, since most strikes occur on the drop.
[#0000ff]SOLUTION:[/#0000ff] After the lift, match the speed of the jig's descent with your rodtip so the line stays semi-taut.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]2. MISTAKE: Slow Hookset[/#ff0000] - Walleyes inhale jigs by flaring their gills, and can spit 'em out just as fast.
[#0000ff]SOLUTION:[/#0000ff] When you feel a light tick or tap, or the line twitches, set the hook. If you miss light bites, add a stinger.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]3. MISTAKE: Lack of Concentration[/#ff0000] - An obvious misstep.
[/#000000][#000000][#0000ff]SOLUTION:[/#0000ff] Forget everything else. Focus on the elements of your presentation (jigging cadence, bottom contact, etc.), and be ever alert for a strike.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]4. MISTAKE: Avoiding Snags[/#ff0000] - It's tempting to stay away from the tough stuff and avoid frustrating snags. But then you miss fish.
[#0000ff]Solution:[/#0000ff] If you're not occasionally running afoul of weeds, rocks or wood, you're not fishing in the right place. Bite your lip and go for it.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]5. MISTAKE: Overdoing It[/#ff0000] - It's easy to fall into a rhythm that's too fast for the fish.
[#0000ff]Solution:[/#0000ff] This is part of the mental game. Concentrate on keeping your jig strokes slow and steady, unless the fish are on a tear.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]6. MISTAKE: Fishing the Wrong Head[/#ff0000] -There are so many to choose from, many anglers give up and stick with one style.
[/#000000][#000000][#0000ff]Solution:[/#0000ff] Make the effort to learn about the different designs, and fish them where they make sense.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]7. MISTAKE: Weight Problems[/#ff0000] - An oversize jig sinks too fast and plows along the bottom, while lightweights won't reach the fish, or worse, you can't "feel" them.
[#0000ff]Solution:[/#0000ff] Use just enough weight to maintain good contact with the jig.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]8. [#000000][#ff0000]MISTAKE:[/#ff0000] [/#000000]Casting Too Far [/#ff0000]- This isn't the Olympics. Jigs and strikes at the far end of a long cast are difficult to register.
[#0000ff]Solution:[/#0000ff] Keep casts manageable for gear and conditions.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]9. MISTAKE: The Wrong Rod[/#ff0000] - Long, soft-tipped sticks are usually bad news.
[#0000ff]Solution:[/#0000ff] You'll detect more strikes with a shorter, stiffer, high-modulus graphite rod.[/#000000]
[#000000][#ff0000]10. MISTAKE: Unnecessary Tipping[/#ff0000] - Some anglers automatically tip leadheads with bait. While a good idea in cold water or when fish are sluggish, meat can detract from the action of feathers or the vibes of a curlytail.
[#0000ff]Solution:[/#0000ff] When in doubt, go baitless.[/#000000]

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