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Combat fishing at Jordanelle
Oh yes for a wile it was a fight to keep the browns off so the bass could hit...

Got to the lake at 5:45 and at my first stop I was on the bass, boated 4 at the first spot and moved to the next and started hooking more bass...

By 9:15 I had caught 16 bass and all came on the Mojo drop shot with Gulp minnows, I wanted to see if they would hit any other baits, I tried a few other types and talked to a few other fisherman...

The most that any of them that I talk to only had 2 or none, I tried a senko type bait and got a few (one hear or there) but not like the drop shot....

I planed to head home when I had caught 35 bass or 3:00 witch ever came first, I was on my way home by 2:00...

At the last stop I had 30 bass and no trout but that was to change... In the last 45 min. I got 15 bass and 7 trout, 2 rainbows 5 browns the biggest was 26" and 45 bass from 11" to 16" long...

All the trout came from water 4' or less and the bass came from water 8' or less, at the last stop I could watch the trout take the lure... The biggest brown hit when my drop shot weight was stuck in the rocks in two feet of water and I was shaking it to get free...

And one of the bigger browns had a chub that was 11" long in his mouth (I took his chub away to see what it was and how big)...I will send the only picture over to TD as soon as I can...And all fish are still up there for you to catch....[Wink]
Sounds like it was an great day BR. look forward to seeing the pix.
Should have stuffed the chub back in him, let him grow faster.[laugh]
The picture is up [Image: bobwink.gif] I should have put the chub in the picture with the brown [fishin]..
[cool]Dang, Cliff! That's another nice brown like the pics you used to submit on Craigs former site. I remember those. It's amazing how well the big browns also like that drop shot rig - even while you are REALLY pursuing the bronzebacks.
I have caught every kind of fish we can fish for and some on the gulp minnows...

But this is the first time I have had browns of this size take it in this depth of water, they were taking it before the bass could...
And the browns look fatter this year then they ever have...
What a great catch! Do you think that fly chucker could get some fish there yet? [pirate]
That one helluva day Cliff
I plain on going up there on Friday if any one wants to go...

This is what you need ..

1. a bag or two of Gulp minnows in smelt in the 3" size some drop shot weights in 1/4 oz I like Mojo the best...

2. $40.00 for your half...
Pm me and we can set up a meeting place...
Wish I could go, but can't take off work. Guess we will head over to Sravation and hope all is well. Looks like they are with Tubedud and Tubebabes report they are doing just fine.
I do think so, when I first got there at 5:45 the trout was chasing the minnows in some of the coves...
Thanks, it sure was fun...
This coming weekend there is a tournament at Starvation so it will be lots of boats...
Ouch! It's getting to be lots of $$ just to wet a line these days.

You need to take more pics, Cliff.
Good thing you have a pic of that brown.

Nice report!

Nice catching!
Hey bassrods I would like to go with you on Friday. I don't know how to pm or I would. But this sounds like an opportunity for me to learn from the best. If I could hang out with you for the day that would great.

All the bass was just so so and the browns are just slimers and when fishing by your self I don't like those kind of pictures...

But if you want to see fish pictures like that I can...[crazy]
I wish I would have put the chub in the picture as well...Hind site..
Sorry I have had 15 PM's and the spot is full, so try again another time and we'll try to get together...
Bassrods, thanks for the report! I'm heading to Jordanelle next Weds-Thurs camping with my boat. This time of year is always GREAT for the smallies up there. I've usually used fairly large tube jigs, but this time I want to try your drop-shot gulp minnow rig, but I'm not sure how to rig it. Just to be sure here, do you have the hook tied a few feet up the line (leaving a long "tag" end for the weight dropper) and a weight down below the hook? Or are you tying the weight onto a dropper tied to the main line or a swivel? How much line are you leaving for the weight --two feet?

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