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Fly Fishing the World
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Just finished watching an episode of Fly Fishing the World. This weeks guest was the renowned golfer Nick Price. The only thing that separate celebrities of this nature is $$$$$$$$. When you have it the world is your back yard. Must be nice to island hop to find a great flat full of bone fish. BTW where would you head to fly fish if money & time wasn't a concern? I think that I would like to give New Zealand or Patagonia a try.[/size][/#008000][/font]
my first stop would be to get MacLarry. tn2, you and FG (and her hubby and bro in law) on a plane to go fishing for peacock bass.. and then wing it from there.. :-)

MacFly [cool]
God and the US MIlitary have given me the pleasure of being statioend all over the world. i have fly fished the cherry salmon runs in japan and korea. i am now stationed in germany and when i get back from iraq i plan on hitting the Spey River in Scotland. i consider myself truely blessed and fortunate to have traveled to all of these places and lived there for extended periods of time. my next summer trip is to ireland to hit a few of the northern lakes for trout and pike. pics to come once i get out of iraq!
if you go to Ireland you may want to contact a couple of members who frequent the float tubing board.. one of them is Norm (Irish float tube) .. I dont remember the other gentlemans name.. there is also a third one I beleive is on the same board who is a guide over there.. I would think all three of them would be good sources of information.. [cool]

MacFly [cool]
No fair, Dryrod. How are we expected to pick just one, when there are so many destinations?

Top of the heap, for me, would be Iceland for salmon. But I'd also like to fish the Ring of Kerry for trout and sea runs. New Zealand is on the list for sure.

I'm sure there are a few undiscovered flats in the Carribean, and I'd like to be one of the first to wade them. But, on the other hand, the salters still run in the Maritimes, and a combo trip for them and the holdover silvers would be the cat's meow.

Here at home I have never managed to catch the false albie run, and that's high on my list. Time and money allowing, I'd just camp out at OBX and wait for them.

Then there's.......

[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi Brook - I just knew that you would find us swatters. Thanks for your input.[/size][/#008000][/font]
New Zealand. Period. But, I'm afraid that if I ever went, I'd never, ever come back to the states. I have friends who have been there, and they said I'd be in big trouble.

The same "friends" who said the same thing about the Florida Keys, and now I can't get enough of that either. Keys tarpon occupy my brain 24/7, unless I'm fishing for something else at the moment, and I still think about them in between casts!

If I could just bop back and forth between New Zealand trout rivers and tarpon-filled estuaries of Central America, life would be complete! However, I don't buy lottery tickets, don't have any rich relatives, and haven't come upon a rolled-over Brinks truck.
And vise versa Mac.

My dream destinations are ALASKA basically cause I want to see the Northern Lights before I die and fish waters where I have to look over my shoulder 24/7 LOL

Second would be Patagonia.
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif] Ah shucks there is nothing to worry about. [/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]In Alaska the bears are all friendly. [Image: bobwink.gif][/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline "d bear.gif"]
Go to Iceland the best ever I have done NZ and I think trout fishing in Iceland is 10 times better.

I recommend this fly fishing dude Gudmundur

Regards Peter

[#00bf00]..BFT policy does not allow for members with less than 15 posts to add a link to any post.. however, anyone interested in seeing this web page can either pm Peter or do a google search..[/#00bf00]
I forgot Yes salmon fishing in Iceland is also very good, have done salmon fishing there for many years after I discover trout fishing in Iceland I just do 1-2 days salmon and 3 till 6 days trout.


welcome to the BFT .. I like your idea of Iceland.. sounds like a great place to do some fishing.. :-)

Yes it is.

... members with less than 15 posts may not post links in any post..

Take a look at this one

[url ""][/url]

[#bf0000]Link to an Ad was removed.[/#bf0000]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi Peter have you also done Alaska? If so which do prefer?[/size][/#008000][/font]
[left][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]BTW your first link should be place on the Ad board. [removed] Reason is that we have paid advertisers who would love the opportunity to post their ads in any or all of the forums. Your second one is cool. Just haven't figured out the Icelandic script yet. LOL[/size][/#008000][/font]
No I have not done Alaska, I have done Greenland that´s also fantastic but I got a little bit bored after 2 days, fishing for char there was little bit easy.

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