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We made a new Bald Eagle friend today!


Wow, great story. Cool pics. That bald eagle was brave, wonder if others had fed it in the past? Much better than being surrounded by a bunch of seagulls.
I think this post should be deleted!!!!![fishin]
i wasn't able to see the story or the pics. PM them to me if you don't want everyone to see. I love pics like bald eagles while fishing.

We had one taking fish from us at East Canyon last year from about 10 feet away.
Must have offended some one, can't imagine a Bald Eagle doing anything wrong
Sorry, I deleted it!
can you send the picture through the pm to me? Thanks
Feeding Birds of Prey is illegal. I made the mistake of innocently posting a pic here once, and was lynched. Macdeisel, I would suggest you also delete those pictures off your camera, I'm sure one of the self-righteous trouble making lurkers has the Fish Cops on the way already. I guarantee you that they have been notified.

ps. You don't have to answer the door when they show up.
I never said I fed them...I would never do such a thing. Thats Illegal!!!!!!
Back in the day we had a couple Eagle at FL that would STEEL any fish left on the ice and it didnt matter how close you sat to the fish on the ice. The old boy had big brass!! One afternoon I had a Splake swiped from right under the chair I was setting on. Damn think beat me to a pulp with its wings after grabbing the splake while getting airborn again. Was I feeding the bird, I think not. The damn thing is a thief! I actual became very fond of that old bird. I actual believe he regonized me year after year and found me easy pickins.. I havent seem him in several years but I hope he's still flying high.
And I wish him the VERY BEST at swipe everyone elses catch too! [Wink]
I really don't now if feeding birds of prey is illegal. My youngest brother who was paraplegic used to buy whole chickens and take them to the Farmington Bay Bird refuge in the winter to feed the eagles there when the water was all frozen over. The personnel there at the refuge knew what he was doing & he never heard anything about it being illegal.
I'm not sure why it would be illegal, heck they eat tons of road kill, and we don't get tickets for that. Now feeding them poisoned food is illegal, that's why they stopped lacing dead animal with the stuff for yotes. Heck one day I chased a rabbit out of a thick patch of weeds...shot lots of shells, missed. He sat on top of a hill about 200 yards out laughing at us...until a golden eagle swooped down and rocked his world! Now that was funny to see.

P.S. How are your magic minnows?[Wink]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Yeah that sure is one amazing bird. You should see the nature program they have about Crows. I can't believe these birds are that smart, this biologist who has studied them a long time says they are the smartest birds. Well, he may have it right.[/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000][/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]They recorded one in northern Sweden that had learned to steal hooked fish from ice fisherman. When they were not attending their poles, the Crow would fly down and take the line in its beak, then reel up slack, step on the slack, bite the line again with the beak and do it many times until he pulls up all the line and fish. [shocked] They said they can remember up to 10,000 food cashes. And this lady in England has a pet Crow that can start and stop the ignition in a car and open a door, as well as fly beside the car. Just see this program, you will just stand and stare in awe.[shocked][/#000000][/font]

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