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josh.schreiber, the creek, bass, 2/9/09, Matt
Matt and I had a very memorable trip to the little creek by my house. We fished senkos for about two hours and finished w/ 14 fish between the two of us (Matt w/ 9, me w/ 5). All were pretty small (1.5 lbs or less), but it was alot of fun to get back in to some bass. Intense wind made the fishing difficult, but I'm glad we plugged away. <br />Highlights:<br />1) A BIG buck crossed the creek about 200 yds upstream from us. What is crazy here is this creek has a public (highly used) walking/biking trail that runs along it. Its in a heavily populated area. The woods its in isnt even 150 yds wide--its just a strip of trees that follows the water. When this thing crossed there were 3 other peole watching. Only thing I can figure is something spooked it, or it was hard after a doe (yes, they are still chasing this late down here). This thing was the biggest buck I've ever seen. I just had to sit down after he crossed. I was floored. Too far away to see points, but sure to have been at least a BIG 8 (probably bigger than that).<br />2) Matt caught a fish and dropped it in to the water, then did a double take b/c he didn't see it swim away. He and I just DIED laughing---his fish had torpedoed straight down and was stuck in the mud. This thing was stuck hard! Matt pried it out w/ a stick, then (after another 5 or so minutes of belly laughing) we packed it up and headed for work.<br />What a day!<br />here are some pics (yes, we did take out the old beer can out of the water)<br />

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