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leatherneck_97, Chick, Bass, 12/13/09, antman
Well after some careful planning ( 10 mins) we decided to fish the first ever "Churly Dance Challange" this morning! Churly and Landen Vs Antman and Leatherneck_97 and we wont mention the wager.....<br /><br />We put in just after 7 this morning and fished till 2:30. We started out fishing some ditches and points first thing and landed our to keepers right away. One was 6+ and the other just at 3 ( had no scales). It was tough fishing the rest of the day. The 6+ was caught in 6-8 foot of water on a Jerk Bait with the other caught on trap in 2-3 foot of water. We did manage a couple of small fish and one good drum in the afternoon. Bite didnt last long this morning but it was a great day to be on the water! emoFish <br /><br /><br />Better luck next time Churls.... emoBooHoo

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