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Open Water!!!!!Powell
Oh how great it was to be on open water again...

I hit the road at 3:30 and made one stop to pick up my grandson and off we went...

We came in for a landing at the top of the boat ramp on the Utah side, we got the boat cover off and was on the water by 11:00..
Headed for a place in the bay that had in the past be good for stripers..But no luck after about three hours of wind and no fish we made a run past the Dam and hit a small canyon and got in some SM bass and a few LM bass as well...

Heading for another spot up lake we got to the main lake and found white caps, it was 4:00 and headed back to load the boat and check in and get out of the wind, we had caught around ten bass the biggest at 16" not to bad for our first few hours...

At 3:45 my dog woke me as it was growling at some thing out side, as I looked out I could hear some talking and could see some one at the back of my boat...

As I stepped out the person headed around the corner and in a door then I heard the person climbing over the rail on the floor above as they opened the sliding door and went in....A few minutes later I heard lots of banging and seen things coming down from the room above....

I called the desk and ask if any one had the room above me, in a few minutes the cops was there, the things that I seen coming down was womans clothes and the cops brought out in cuffs three people two males and one female in a blanket...

We got an early start...And was on the lake and heading north by 7: It was hard to find any stripers and by 5:00 we only had 5 for all day, but we had lots of LM and smalles to more then make up for them...

The digging of the cut, is going great they have to dam off both sides and then dig out the center...

We headed home at 6:00 to stop by Piute and see if ice was off...All ice was off and a little wind but we fished an hour or two and caught 3 bass and headed home...

The water at Powell at day light was 48* and got up to 51*, the biggest striper was 28" long and went 8 1/4 lb The biggest LM was 18" and SM was19" all LM an SM were released the stripers came home...

Now If I can get my boat on the Nell some time this week, life will be good...[Wink][sly][fishin]
great report. So was it like they were fighting or was it like they were robbing the joint?
Ha you got fishing and a show!
Great report. Wish I could have been down there fishing.
Being a cop myself, I don't know which would have been more fun, the fishing or the arrest.... LOL
It was party time the two boys was 16 and 17 the girl was18 and lots of beer...
One of the boys was so drunk he tried to piss on the cop from off the balcony ....

Not a good thing to do, if you know what I mean....[crazy][sly]

Found out that they did rent a room but not the one they was in...
Yep open water fishing....[Wink][shocked][fishin]
I'm pritty sure if someone tried to piss on me I would have to shoot them, Umm I mean never mind..... lol
After it was over, its kind of funny now looking back...
My brother and I spent the week-end and today at Page. We spent sat morning helping some people start their house boat so it was noon before we got started fishing. We fished around lone rock and in Wahweap bay until 5 and called it a day. No fish.

Sunday we fished at the dam for a couple of hours with jigs and anchovies and caught 1 smallmouth along the ledges with crankbaits. Moved to Antelope canyon and added 1 more small mouth. Lots of stripers in the main channels (not at the dam) but we couldn't buy a bite. The water, as you noted, was 50-51 degrees.

I was looking for Cliff's boat and truck at wahweap, but he wasn't there as he states, he launched at stateline.

None of the fishermen I talked to reported very good fishing. Waters still a little cold, but it should pick up in the weeks ahead.

This morning we were a little under the weather after a big Bar-B-Q at the motel we stayed in so we decided to head home instead of going back out. We planned on fishing Piute for an hour or two then decided against it when we arrived there. I think that one day later in the week, I'll go back to Piute w/the boat.

Yuba's ice looked nasty, but still covers the lake. If the weather is warm and the wind blows the ice might be off in 7 to 10 days.

If you are looking for somewhere to put your boat and catch a few nice fish, you might consider Paiute
Cliff, no Walleyes ?
We went up lake to just before dangling rope and found the fish almost in the backs of the canyons in water 25' to 30' deep down to 10' but on the banks in less then 2', we could see them but they would spook with little splash or movement...

We hit about 10 to 15 places that we could catch bass and 3 that had stripers...

Didn't get any walleye or crappie on this trip...
I did take a few pictures one day and forgot the camera on another, but don't know how to resize or post them TD helped with that in the past ...

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