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Got on the lake by 6:00 and found a good top water bite for about 1/2 hr...

Went looking for new water or fish and got on some large mouth bass the biggest at 21" and the smallest was 16 1/2" ...Got a few SM bass as well the biggest at 19" smallest at maybe 9" or 10"...

Got them on Top water, senko type and drop shot water temp at 6:00 was 57 and got up to 60 by 9:00, No fish was on the beds that I got...They looked to be spawned out and tails was healing up...
are there really large mouth in jordanelle? and 21"?
Hey Cliff you the man [fishin]
No browns this time ?
Good job,
Yes there is LM bass in the Nell!![Wink]

As soon as the wife can she will send over the pictures...[cool]
Yes there was two browns at about 22" to 24"...
Cliff, here are your pictures.
Thanks for posting them...
There are lmb's in Jordanelle, not as many as the smallies but they are in there in certain locations. The two pics of the same largemouth show it.
Cliff, did you get pics of the 19" smallie and the 21" lmb? Those are both nice fish and worthy of a picture.
I was up there today also. There was three of us in the Ranger that was fishing near you. We caught only smallies and rainbows today. The largest smb were about 16 or 17 inches. Most of them were small. Lots of people up there for a friday. For the doubters- there are quite a few lmb in Jordanelle in certain areas. My avatar pic is an average Jordanelle lmb.
Those two are the 21" LM, the 19" kept moving when I tried to take the picture and was blurry...
I got two LM up where we was at both was around 15" to 17" and one SM bass about 14"...

How big was the one you got by the brush???
It was about 4lb. That was the best fish of the day for us. Most of our fish came on cranks or topwaters- that one took a jig and pig.
That is awesome. I have only caught Small mouth out of there. I will certainly try harder to pick up some LM. I am glad you posted this. I am really excited to get back up there again. That is a great fishery (on the weekdays)
If that largemouth is 21" then I have seen some out of jordanelle that are 32". That isn't even close to 21" sorry cliff. But why is there no ruler in either one of those pictures with the LMB? I'm guessing 17" but still a nice largemouth for jordanelle. I've never caught one that big out of there......
[#6000bf]Yeah, and you can tell its 17" from the pic? LOL...[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Just take him for his word, his story seems more reliable [/#6000bf][#6000bf]than yours.[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Very nice fish BTW....[/#6000bf]
I'm guessing 17" but still a nice largemouth for jordanelle. I guessed because who can compare the legth of a fish to a dogs leg? I sure can't and I used to be a believer too, but I just asked a question...
From now on I will just send you the pictures and you can size them, and wile your at it you could do the BASSmasters fish from the film on the TV show that way we know they will get them right....You have the eyes...[crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy][crazy]
I think that other guy was saying that the largemouth in the picture was not 21 inches in his opinion. Honestly, I don't think it is either but that's not the point I'm trying to make. I know you love the attention Cliff and I'm sure you're a decent fisherman but time after time there is the talk but no walk. I beg of you to prove me wrong, take a picture of that 19" smallie, the 21" lmb or even a 23" smallie on your Golden Rule to show us. Why would you claim that the lmb is 21" and not measure it in the pic when the rule is right there and you just measured a different bass on it?
I'm not trying to cause trouble with you Cliff so please just try to understand my point of view and talk with me man to man. We've had our difference in opinions but let's put that aside and just lay it down. From one fisherman to another please do us both a favor and the next time you catch a big bass just simply lay it on the rule and take a pic. It will make you look awesome with that huge bass on the measuring stick showing us how big it is and we won't have to deal with the drama. There are some on this board that think I wait around for an opportunity to "attack" you, that is not true but I've been bass fishing for a long time and I know a big bass when I see it. I enjoy your posts and I always read them, I simply want to see the pictures of the big fish that you catch. That's why I joined this public forum, to see the big fish that people in Utah are catching. Maybe it's just me and my poor vision but if you could measure the fish on the Golden Rule while taking the pic it would solve all the fuss. Of course, it is America and you're free to do whatever you want within reason, just trying help a fellow angler and his credibility.
17 or 21" is still a lot bigger than the largemouth I caught at Jordanelle over the weekend, although substantially smaller than the log I pulled in, so good for you bassrods!

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