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Kona Hawaii fishing report
Kona Hawaii fishing report –June 3002-

Summer is the season when more blue marlin show up in Kona. The bite is definitely picking up with most of the marlin weighing between 100 and 200 lbs. That`s small for an average but catching small marlin is better than no marlin at all. The spearfish bite has really taken off in the last week after almost disappearing for about a month.

The yellowfin tuna are doing their summer thing here too. This is the time of year when you get “blind strikes” while trolling. Any other time of year, you need to be working a porpoise school to find the big yellowfin but in the summer when your reel starts screamin` out line, it might just be a big tuna. All of the FAD`s are holding bait size yellowfin and skipjack tuna.

The ono bite is as good offshore (if not better) than it is nearshore. Lots of guys (including me) complaining that their big marlin lures are getting shredded by ono in the deep. If you have a marlin lure that`s hot, changing the skirts because they got shredded could easily turn your lure from a good one to a dud. While ono is one of the best eating fish we have, it`s just not worth the value of a good marlin magnet lure.

The bottom fishing bite is still very slow but it’s still worth the attempt just to get the excitement of stand-up tackle fishing. While the most common catch from the bottom is amberjack, a big shark on the line will give even a seasoned angler a fight they won’t soon forget.

See `ya on the water ,
Capt. Jeff Rogers ,

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