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Gledale Lake
Well seems like the Fall bite has already started. Thank God, bout time. I went to glendale lake this past sunday, all day, and did well. I was catching bass and had quite a few bite offs (pike/muskie). The water is cooling down a bit that that really turned the fish on. The water was on average 69 degrees. The last time i went up it was 76 or so. I feel once the water hits around 65 the fishing is really gonna start to heat up.

I was catching my bass in the morning with a super fluke in green pumpkin. That also seemed to make the toothy critters happy as well, to bad i was not using a steel leader or i would of had some tastey pike to eat. Once the hot sun got overhead the action stopped. Later that eve i was working some weed lines in about 10 to 15ft of water with a rapala bleeding minnow rap. That seemed to do the trick. All in all i did not get any real big guys, but i still had a nice day on the water. Cant wait for next weekend to try it again!!!
Where at in Glendale,,,never been there yet but want to go, also went to Yellow creek and didnt even get a bite all damn day, fishfinder was goin off like crazy though, Im just getting tired of Wilmore Damn and Hingston Res. only so many crappie one man can catch,,,lol
P.S. I dont wanna steal your fishin spots just want some tips
I really seem to like the shoreline between the main beach and slate lick. I do well there for bass. I also like mudlick. It can be great one day and dead the next though, so dont stick around in one spot up there to long. The key is if you dont get a bite in 20 mins you probly wont get a bite at all. So move around, thats my best advice for up there.

I always have great luck at wilmore for bass. I catch way more bass there than i do at glendale. You may not like glendale to much if you plan on catching alot of bass lol. Still a nice lake though.
Bass in Wilmore,,good lord I think I went there 2 dozen times this year, fished from the dam up to the end in about a foot of water, shore to shore, and in the middle and caught nothing but Crappie. Seen alot of big Carp.
Maybe I'm not using the right bait or something, crawlers and minnows.
If you hadnt have said there was Bass in there I would have thought all it had was Crappie,,lol
Yeah I'm not a patient person if nothin hits in 20 minutes I move to the next spot or start trollin.
I dont mind cathin alot of Crappie its fun, but I'd rather eat Bass, much better tastin' in my opinion. Plus its somethin different
My favorite spot is in killbuck for bass from day break to about noon from spring to fall we've never been skunked down there fishing from the kayaks along the shoreline from the big stump in the water to killbuck stream. Its also great for pike, pickerel and musky at the time. We've even caught a bowfin outta that area we didnt know what it was till an older gentleman told us what it was. We've pulled everything outta there thats in the lake other than walleye.
I always do good in killbuck as well for bass. there is alot of structure there for the bass to hang around. I like throwing a buzz bait up in the weeds there. Always have luck with that. I know what you mean about the bowfin lol. We got one in mud lick years ago and we were not sure what it was either until i found it in a book. very neat looking fish.

Tvfoxdude, try throwing some spinnerbaits and chug bugs in the shallow stumps and in the deeper water fish the channel and texas rig a soft plastic crawdad or pitch a tube. If you aint catching bass with that i dont know what to tell ya lol. i can see why you may not be getting anything using night crawlers. and remember to practice selective harvest and save some for me! Its ok to eat a few but put some back to. Doing that will insure a healthy fishery for years to come.
ohh yeah, we throw back over half the crappie we catch, its just the catchin part thats fun and exciting. I've never ever fish with buzzbaits, tubes, or any of that other stuff you said.
I used to long ago but ended up loosing more than I could afford to buy. Any short tips?
The best place that i can direct you to for rigging your lures is YouTube. There are alot of great vids on there to help you out with rigging soft plastics. All the other stuff you can just tie on with you fave knot. Just go to you tube and search "how to rig a texas rig" and you will get some good results. whenever you go to wilmore you can shoot me a PM and if im free i may be able to meet you up there and show u a few tricks.
yea we release almost all our catches. Most of our luck has been on spinnerbaits, rapalas, and some soft plastics.

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