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Need some help with bass lures this time of year
So the weather is starting to really warm up over here and I'm thinking of going fishing this upcoming weekend. I was wondering what baits would work for this time of year with the water being as cold as it is.
Try slowly retrieving a shallow running crank-bait over vegetation. Jig and pigs are great. Anything slow moving. Bass are lethargic in colder water.
Same as the last post I use a deep diving shad imitating crank bait and reel it fast in around 6 to 10 feet of water then let it suspend and slowly rise for almost 10 seconds (sometimes even reaches the top again) then repeat over grassy, rocky bottom or around deep structure.

Also as stated above, SLOW is the key until the water temps rise more in early march. Soft baits like plastic worms, Crayfish and salamanders with very little weight on them worked very slowly and I mean to the point where you cast let the bait sink to bottom and wait 15 to 20 seconds then give it a couple very light jerks and then wait 15 to 20 seconds again.

For the weight in my plastic this early I cut 1 inch pieces of clothes hanger and rig the plastics normally then push the clothes hanger pieces up into the nose ( or front end where you placed the hook) until its completely inside the plastic. This is much lighter than using a bullet weight or other lead weight on the line in front of the bait and allows for a slower descent when first cast and then with the two little jerks the bait only rises maybe a foot or two and very slowly descends again to the bottom.

Finesse fishing for the next 30 days and by the end of March you can bring out your entire tackle arsenal and wear the early spring bass out.

The females will start looking for places to make there nests for spawning by the middle of next month and then it's on.

Have fun and I hope my techniques and ideas help you out during these last weeks winter.
I think you should try some Rapala X-Raps. You use them like a jerk bait and they suspend on the pause. this is good because it will give the fish sometime to look at that bait. Just like everyone else said you need to fish slower this time of year to get the fish to bite.
thanks guys those are all great tips! I cant wait to get on the water and try them out. I like the idea of the cloths hanger as a weight, I think i might try it out. I'm thinking of also trying out some salamanders since i have a pack of them that are barely used.

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