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Impact of open wolf hunts on hunters
As many of you have probably heard wolf hunters have been attacked and threatened for doing nothing illegal. I had heard of threats and phone calls to successful hunters but had little idea the extent to which many of them went. That is until I found the response that Robert Millage (took the first wolf when the hunt opened) came up with to deal with the attacks he has received. I encourage everyone to check out this site he has and pass it around, to environmentalists and hunters alike. While not everyone agrees with the hunts, as long as they are being done legally the hunters should not be attacked for it.
That is a shame. He did nothing wrong. I wonder how they would feel if a wolfe came into their yard and killed their pet dog or cat. Oh wait, that isn't going to happen cause they all live in their big cities and don't know what a forest and mountains look like.

I wonder how many of them eat meat and feel it is OK for the wolves to kill cattle and sheep. Or the beautiful elk and deer. Is it OK for the wolves to kill Bambi??

How about a child? You know that's going to happen if the wolves keep breeding and go unchecked.

We can see by some of the comments, one in particular about killing hunters and republicans, what side of the spectrum these people are coming from.

Just remember fellow hunting and fishing friends, these people are breeding too and our way of life is threatened beyond belief.
Robert Millage was the perfect person to accept the responsibility of shooting the first wolf. I would not have wanted to go through what he did. He represented the debate perfectly. My hat is off to him for doing a great job. Check out the article in the last Field and Stream about his historic kill.
i am with you avery. he could of responded and fed right into what the wolf lovers wanted him to do. but looks like he kept his cool. i would like to buy that man a beer.
that absolutley makes me sick to my stomach reading what those people are saying to him. the thing that blows my mind is they are so close minded that they are being the uncultured savages that they are claming he and every hunter is by sending him all this crap. and stealing pictures of his children and wife and posting adresses where to find him. this would be all out war if i were him. say what you will about me or try what you want to me but you dont mess around with my family and im sure most men with children feel the same way.
I can't believe that blog. People are SO stupid! If they only knew the details of the regulated wolf hunt in Idaho, the science behind it, they wouldn't jump to quick conclusions. I too would be going to war with the person who posted my personal information and pictures of my children. That person would hate his life from then on. People don't understand that hunting wolves is simply population control, since they are at the top of the food chain and therefore there is nothing to stop them from being overpopulated. I look forward to next wolf season and trying my luck at shooting a wolf with my high powered rifle.
Remember the wolf season is still on so lets finish out the quota this year before we look forward to next year. And there is the possibility we will not have a season next year if WY doesn't jump on board.
With that said help me fill the quota. The days are running out so help me help the elk in the sawtooth zone. We have been trying but Avery don't have the legs and I don't have the machines and the wolves are staying above us.
If someone was able to get to the top of Lick Crk (lowman) an hour before first light and walk out on the trail to Kirkum Ridge Trail I think the possibility to score would be in your favor. Most people I know are trying to go up Kirkum Ridge Trail and only seeing the wolves a half mile above them heading for the timber. I think that you need to get between them and the thousand of elk hanging in the drainage above the Haven gas station. As the snow melts they will move up river towards Kelly and Eight mile creeks. I will even give my cabin keys (shack) to someone that is serious about killing some of these elk eaters. PM me!
Largely d/t the behavior of those types of people there is a bill that is getting fast tracked through the Idaho senate to help protect sportsmens information. Apparently it is public record at this time. Someone that wants a list of everyone in the state that hunts or fishes could access that information. The bill would make the information of sportsmen confidential and thereby make it more difficult to find the phone #, name and address of sportsmen that are doing what those people don't like.
all i have to say is GOOD! That man does not deserve to be treated like that.
I've been pretty avid in hunting wolves since it opened (my brother and I have been in them 6 times, but have only bagged one) and new about his persecution within a few days of his kill. I thought, gee whiz, if they can hassle him like that then I should do my part. I called him and left a message (since he wasn't answering his phone) and told him he needs to hold his head high. I also congratulated him and gave him some positive feedback that not everyone is against him and that many are glad that he killed.

Hopefully we'll get some more wolf relief by either an extended season, or an earlier opener in the zones with the most problems.[Wink]

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