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Nice Bass I Caught
A nice 2 Pounder I caught off the dock in my back yard. I saw him, but was out of live bait, and he wouldint hit my spinners, or top water. Ran down to the store, and bought some crawlers, came back, cast the poll in, got tangled in some reeds, and started to reel back in when the fish hit my worm. First fish in a while so I was happy. Also, the first fish I have ever held. Yeah, its been that long since I have fished.
You worked hard enough for it, great job.The season begins.
Yea the Bassin' is on now. I had a good day yesterday too and I'm about to head out the door for my honey hole in Payneway and hope for that lunker!

Grats on the Large mouth.
Nice job, by that is not 2lbs, maybe 1/2-3/4lb
[#005000]MrCodyJo, I do know how you feel! As for me it has been over twenty five years since I fished last! I'm still fighting fo the first bass, but I'll get that one, just one day. So don't feel bad, there is plenty of us in the same boat! Nice catch and good luck in the future![/#005000]
Nice Bass!

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