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first time sight fishing
I went fishing the other day at my favorite little pond and it was so sunny and the water was so clear I could see all over. Whatever kinda weeds the pond has had just exploded within the last week so I thought since I could see I'd try a texas rigged worm. I've never been successful using it so I thought since I could see the worm and bass I'd give it a shot. Man I was successful to say the least. Fished for an hour and pulled out six large mouth. It was some of the moat fun fishin I've done.
Nothing like working the edge of a weed bed to find fish. Caralina rig will work as well. Glad you found them.
i've tried the carolina rig once or twice and i just cant seem to tie it right i spose. it just gets all messed up and the action isnt very good. not to mention the weight gets covered in all kindsa funk.

but i was using a weightless worm and its slow floating action was the key. cant wait for the rain to stop and my concussion to heal so i can hit the waters again

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