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British Petroleum oil spill ban ?
Who else is banning B.P. oil ?
I dont like the way this is heading, 90% containment is un exceptable.

do the math, 65 thousand gallons or is that barrols per day, that leave 6500 gallons per day, baisicly that would be one oil tanker truck dumping its load every day.

further more, I dont like the privet slush fund setup being made. This looks like to me that it is nothing more than a privetized political campain slush fund fund raiser.

It is just like privetizing FEMA, no accountability cuz no one has the athority to over look it. so the money can go where ever they want to send it.

If there is going to be a account like this, it should be government runned so every citizen can see where every penny is sent.
I know they gotta be low balling the amount of oil gushing every day , ain't no way in hell it's that little .
I can't believe our government hasn't stepped in to close that well already , something is rotten somewhere and someone is going to get rich off it someway or another .
Pity that all that damage is being done and the powers that be are just sitting back shuffling papers trying to fix it .
they said on the news today, 2.5 million gallons per day, thats 45,455 barrols per day.

with a pay off of 20 billion dollars to keep the US government from allowing any one who wants some free crude from swoopin and grabbin some.

Free oil on top of the water is easy to get with a wet vac. Ya just coral it in and suck it up. so easy one city started doing just that and the feds stopped them from doing it untill the media got a hold of it. then they were allowed to start sucking it up again today. Thay took oil tanker trucks with pumps loaded on top of flat barges and are out sucking up 45 thousand gallons of oil per hour.

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