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Boulder Beach Island 6/15
Went out Tuesday night from 7-10pm. Stopped off at the island near Boulder Harbor. I brought a friend of mine along and we both started throwing rapala crankbaits while I soaked some corn on a carolina rigged gamakatsu. The first fish came quickly,a decent catfish on corn that looked fairly healthy (no worms or lesions). My friend was throwing a big rapala super shad so i tied on a smaller Rapala DT6. I worked the cove while he was throwing off the points. About 5 casts in I hooked a smaller Catfish on the Rapala. First cat ever on an artificial!

I was bouncing the 6' diving crankbait off of the bottom so I must have bounced it right by that cats nose and got a reaction strike. He definitely took the bait, two of the trebles tines were through his lip.

Chummed a bit of corn, and tossed the gama/corn out again to see if I could hook a big ol carp.

The sun went down after that so I put the lures away and broke out the bait. The corn and light drew in some bluegill so I kept tossing a kernel out on a salmon egg hook. Didn't catch any big ones, but they made up for quality with quantity. While I was messin with the bluegill, a carp swam up next to the boat to clean up some corn. So I pulled in the gamakatsu bait rig I had casted out and began presenting it to the carp. He turned away each time so I just dropped it there and set the pole down. I lit up a smoke and watched as he swam around. It wasn't more than a minute before he swam back around picked up the corn. So I picked up the reel and wrastled him in.
He was about 4 feet out when he took the bait and didn't get more than 8 feet away.

tomstoneradio would be glad to know.... that as I laid him on the boat to snap a photo, the boga grip opened and he flopped off the boat back into the water! Lucky him.. I
spoke too soon when I told him that was the last corn he'd ever taste. The carp was the biggest and last of the fish. We threw out a couple sardines and chummed a little
for the last hour but didn't get any takers. I should have started chumming sardines earlier and kept it up. I think we'd have picked up a striper or two if we had done that...
and stayed later. But we have to get up for work so we can afford gas and bait =)

Decent night for a quick trip. The water dropped quite a bit since I was there a month ago. the launch at Boulder Harbor has lowered below the textured concrete and patch of asphalt. You're pretty much in gravel when you launch.

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