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I need Help.....
hello, im new to this forum, I need some adice. I just got into trolling and bought 2 downriggers. I have been fishing nubenusit lake for lake trout and salmon and i have been skunked everytime, im an avid bass angler but new to trout and salmon, i am using mostly spoons and ive tried dodgers and flashers, i've fished bunchof depths from 60' - 20' Im not sure what im doing wrong, all i have is a 40lbs thrust trolling motor and i run it at pdout 1/2 spd. Im going out tomorrow and that will prob be the last tim till ice fishing and really want to catch a laker, its the only fish I have yet to catch native to this area. So any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Joel
Find out where the temperature break is in the water and put your gear as close to that as you can. I always run meat off the down riggers. I start usually with red when i go out at 5ish and run all glow for spoons, flies, and j plugs. once the sun comes up and the fish stop bighting that, I switch to blue and greens mostly.

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