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DC and Rockport 4/17/2011 - now with photos
After getting rid of my Deer Creek skunk a couple of weeks ago, me and my buddy decided to hit DC again early on Sunday morning. Arrived and fished the mainland side of the island straight just before sunrise. Had my first 12" rainbow within about 5 minutes of casting (salmon peach powerbait). Like last time, the fish jumped out of the water and put up a nice fight.

We continued to fish through the sporadic, but light rain showers that came and went. Wind wasn't too bad, and the sun came out a few times, and made it worth it.

My buddy then landed 3 rainbows in a row, all in the 12-13" range, and all on salmon peach powerbait.

Not to be out done, I finally hooked in to a fish, after watching him catch 3 in a row. I could barely reel in....and then I saw it....a branch broke the surface of the water....damn, I lost the fish and hooked a water logged snag that I now had the privelage of reeling in....but wait....the branch suddenly took a sharp jolt to the left....could it be? Yes there is still a fish attached to the hook beyond the entangled branch.

After all was said and done, and the branch was released from my line, I reeled in a nice fat 16.5" 1.74 lb rainbow. My treat of the day. And by far the biggest fish I have caught out of Deer Creek.

(I still need to get the pictures off my camera at home, so I will upload them tonight after work.)

After the wind picked up a little more, we decided to head over to Rockport to try our luck.

As reported, the water level is way down, in anticipation of the runoff. I fished my regular spot on the west side of the lake, and actually laughed as I set up my chair on the terraced beach, and realized I was actually sitting in the same sand and gravel that I was probably catching fish from just last summer.

We did manage a few bites, but none of the fish seemed to bite hard enough to get hooked. The weather was a bit cooler than I like, but it wasn't terrible, and it never rained. The beach seemed to be dry enough that we avoided stepping in to any mud up to our necks, like we experienced two weeks prior at Jordanelle.

All in all it was a good day, even if we skunked out at Rockport. I did well there last year, and can't wait to try it again now that the ice is off.

Now if only I can get the ice off of Smith and Morehouse, and the roads up to it dried out and free of snow, I will be a happy man.

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