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brook trout baits and lures
What brook trout bait and lures do u use for brook trout?I`ve never caught one and i hope i do soon.
I have had good luck with yellow and black rooster tails, panther martins in yellow with red dots,the dressed ones seemed to work good, or even mepps with silver or copper blades, just use small ones usually about 1/16-1/12. If you can find them use a #3 rapala in brook trout color,sometimes hard to find but are killer. Good luck.
For bait I have never needed anything else but red trout worms, for lures I usually use small Kastmasters and small spinners.
ive had really good luck using crickhoppers just try and match it to the grasshoppers color in the area, use a little twitch retrieve and youll be golden. ive caught quite few brookies on my dads old green one in the early summer months her in north central NM
My step father has always had the most luck with red bead spinners and worms and they can be bought at Ross Coin and Gun in Idaho Falls. Brook trout are very skittish and can be spooked very easily. The trick is to sneak up on the hole that you are going cast into and stay low. Good luck!
My favorite by far is a small floating rapala. Usualy black and silver. I retrieve it in a kind of fast, jerky motion, like it's trying not to get eaten. lol
This works for me the best during the winter and springtime, when there are fewer food sources in the water.
(Like the other replys have stated, a stealthy profile is needed to get close to these fish. Brook trout are very skittish)
Good Luck!

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