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Looking for some advice...
Hey guys,

About two months ago, I found a nearby private pond that I was allowed to fish on. At first the fishing was great; I would catch probably 10 an hour with half of them being over 2 pounds, some ranging up to 6 pounds. This is a relatively small pond, only about an acre, were I am about the only person that fishes it. It it about 4 feet deep at its deepest point, and I do the majority of my fishing along the shoreline were the fish have been holding. I'm not in a boat, rather am just walking around on the shore. All I have used since going there are pink zoom trick worms (quite possibly overlooked, a great bait that I always trust). The bass loved 'em, but all of a sudden, in the past three weeks, the fishing has decreased. I know it's most likely because I've only been using the trick worms. They've probably gotten used to it. What I need is some tips about how to get back to catching these fish. Do you suggest a change in technique, presentation, color, new bait, etc? The important things to know are that this pond is very small, can be walked around completely, the fish are pretty skidish, the pond is very shallow, and the bottom of the lake is covered with a mucky substance that is easily collected on any bait.

If you have any questions about the features of the pond or anything else, just post below.
Thanks in advance!

How has the weather been these past two weeks? Cold front move in? Raining alot. These can upset the fish as they won't bite as usual. Change out your baits as thats what we all do when they don't do what we think they will do. Slow down your presentation when the bite is off. Wacky rigs work well on slow bite days. Change your color of worm. Dark days use dark colors ect. Try spinners or spinnerbaits to change things up.
maybe try a utail or ribbontail worm those work great when times are slow. or change up the color.

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