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Baitcaster help
Any tips? i know how to cast but i want to see if i am missing any tips or tricks.
First off, what kind of reel is it, what pound test are you using and what seems to be the problem?
umm its a gander mountain reel. I put on cheap 10lb mono from walmart on it. I just backlash often. i want to know if there is anything i am not doing.
[#502800][/#502800][size 3][/size]First place, you need to start fresh and almost forget all the problems and suggestions before. Not saying they are wrong,and I 'm correct. But here we go, grad the rod and have at least a 1/2oz lure or better just a weight. Raise the rod to a 11:00 position and then press the trigger button. You'll see the weight go down fast or don't move at all. On the reel you have a little knob that increase traction or decrease the line. If it is dropping to fast turn the knob clockwise and if dropping to slow or not at all counterclock. You want the lure to drop at a nice pace and when it hits the ground and don't backlash ( SpiderWeb ) then you have it set correctly. Now on casting try to cast easy casting at first and learn how to use you thumb on the spool while casting. Then start target shooting like a bucket or something in your yard, this is where I practice at and on my boat.Then start learning power casting and how to know the distance your casting. If you get a backlash, use your thumb and click the button to release and then pull the line until it stops, then redo the same thing when pulling the line and having your thumb on the spool. Doing this will eventually undo the web/backlash. As for the amount of weight to cast all on depends line , lure and knowledge of the baitcaster reel. On YouTube have videos on stopping backlash and casting baitcasting. Hope some of this helps. [/size][/i][/b]
"First place, you need to start fresh and almost forget all the problems and suggestions before. Not saying they are wrong,and I 'm correct"

Wow, I must have missed something really good in this thread. I didn't see any other posts but mine asking what the problem was.
Anywho, dudeman was right about setting the tension. Using heavier line like 14lb test will make it easier to get any "professional over runs" out. I still spool out occasionally but nothing like when I first started using a bc reel, I've found that the higher end reels like the Shimano Curados, Abu Garcia Revo SX and Quantum Energy and TE reels make it easier to fine tune the reels so you don't spool out often.Or at least not as bad. YouTube does have some good videos about how to use a baitcaster.
Yea guys thanks for the advice. I have it down. I still get occasional backlashes but i learned if you take the spool out of the reel its easier for me. I even caught a fish using it Smile
My dad taught me how to use a baitcaster when I was around 5 years old. The other posts about how to set it up are good.

My dad had me get a plate and go out in the yard. Put the plate about 10 feet away and use 6lb mono line with a 1/4 oz bullet weight tied to the line. I practiced trying to get the lure to hit the plate with the tension set high enough that the line wouldn't backlash at all even if I threw it soft are hard and never slowed it with my thumb.

As I got better and was able to hit the plate every cast I moved the plate 20 feet away and loosened the tension so the reel would flow smoother and faster and would get a backlash every now and then trying to hit the plate.

Over the course of about a two weeks doing this every day for a hour I got to the point I could hit the plate about 50 feet away with the tension set really loose and was using my thumb on the spool to control how much line came off.

It took me years to get to the point where I am now and I have my baitcasters set so loose if you put a 1/8oz weight on them and let line fall just a few feet the reel will just keep spinning freely and backlash into a mess. I use my thumb to control how much line is fed off the reel now and can cast even the smallest lure 30-50 yards away and have it land in a cup. But that took years of practice.

Just keep at it and once you master the baitcaster you will love it for the accuracy you can attain with your casts.

Good luck!
Thank you guys for all the help. Right now i am using 10lb mono from a cheap 700 yd spool from walmart. Getting backlashes occasionally but most of the time not. I can say i havent mastered the baitcaster but i am an expert at removing back lashes lol.
WHEN you get a blacklash you can put your thumb on the spool and reel the line like your reeling in ... put pressure on the spool and reel a few times

it brings the loop that is in the spool out and then pull out your backlash.

hope that made sense.
Yea. sometimes the line gets off the spool like into the plastic shell of the reel. Kinda hard to explain. Tht is when is when i remove the spool form the actually reel.

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