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two good rods broke on Valley girl.
I really don't want this to be a dumb thing.

I know how to set my drag. I fight this fish to the bank then set my drag higher to net her.

She is the state record for sure. No doubt.

she broke my rod that Paulpro gave me for christmas.

Thank god I called them in Memphis and can replace it free. And by chance we are taking my older brother over there to the bus station because he is a loser. Won't go to that.

Two rods broken on the same bass.

Valley girl.

I set me drag right. I use 14lb XL SMOOTH trilene ..


I work this bass to the bank and then when I think she is tired I set my drag tight.

she runs.

she broke my freaking rod I won in 2010 contest here and the rod that Paulpro send me this year.

I know I see my mistake. This year my rod got broke because I was using brade on a bass pro shop rod and thought I had her tired.


I will catch this bass.

I just need pro gear.

Gonna go to my dads tomorrow and bass pro shops and replace the one Paulpro sent me.

My dad has some reels a kid here wants. gonna get them for him.

I got whooped by valley girl again.
XL Trilene is plain old Mono. Try a copolamer or braid. I get 32" stripers on 20lb Braid and no snapped rods. I never tighten my drag down all the way, due to what she did to you. A last run. Good luck on her in the future.
I got chills from that UUUH....Same thing happen to me on a 6lb P-Bass,down here,had her tired,so I gave it more drag, then fish ran hard and ripped out one trebble straightening the ring on the rapala and straightend 2 other hooks.I learned too,I just keep the drag loose till I land them,but yet still lost a nice one this way,lure came out at the boat,and fish slowly swam away,actually sat under the boat,and I had no net..[frown] .You didn't hold the pole above the handle did you,I've broke one this way.

Sorry about Valley girl getting away,I'm glad she's doing ok though.I know you two are meant for each other.Any thoughts on what you'd do with her,mount her?I did so for a 6lb P-bass,I just can't catch one over 6lb.I've caught 6,I've weighed 3,and each were exactly 6.0 .I kinda wanted to mount my 9.9 largemouth,but its Alfreds,from his canal,he said no,throw her back,so I did,without hesitation.It was cool,as I tossed her in,she actually jumped again!as to make sure to she'd spit out the hook.Luckily that was the only time she jumped,during the fight she stayed down,I just grabbed her quickly by the mouth,even with that big lure in it,and held on tight.

At first weigh in the scale jumped to 12lb!,thought I'd finally caught my first 10lbr! close though,maybe next time,pic is my broken light action rod,4-6 with a small p-bass.
Listen, when you come down here,be ready for some free fishing lessons..[:p]While you were out breaking your rods I..... caught a Lunker!.I'll post a receant lunker pic for now while you try to hook up with Valleygirl .I can't wait to see her..I used my allstar rod again 17 lb suffix.She swallowed the worm,but since I pinch the barb,no harm done,no tearing of the stomach,which is what kills them.

I kept her in the pond for a few hours for observation.I wanted to make a vid like you,but couldn't find a camera.I do have more pictures ,I will post back ok.When I released her back to the lake,she jumped again!Biggest bass I've caught that completely jumped out of the water.P.S she jumped twice during the fight,broke the silence of the lake Jesus Christ! My heart,it can't take too much more of these lunkers[sly] [#ff0000]Edited to change line weight to 17lb instead of 20
When fighting sturgeon I always use my top rod hand to press the line onto the rod handle to give me more leverage. Seems like you could do the same fighting bass.

Just a thought - messing with the brag toward the end of the battle is not a great option - especially on the big ones....
I've noticed 'really big fish catching anglers' [crazy] doing the same thing with the line. Would you mind going into detail on holding the line down? Why, when, how, etc.
If the drag is tight enough to wear down a "fresh" fish, then the same drag setting is certainly more than tight enough to land a tired fish! Think about it. You can't get a fish to the "ready to land" stage without enough drag. Then, the fish should have less energy!

Don't mess with your drag after you've fought the fish. Certainly, don't crank down as the "fight" goes on. Set it and live with it. When the fish is ready, you can "land" it, net it, or do with it whatever you want to do. This goes for tarpon, bass, snook, trout, or whatever.

I speak from experience here, 30+ years of giant trout, salmon, tarpon, snook, bass, pike, all the flats fish, . . .
Wow, I knew I was missing something. I re-read the original post...Don't change your drag, I agree. It's like that old guy on tv with the infomercials " Set it AND FORGET IT!" lol

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