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Basin bass action?
I'm working out near Roosevelt during the week and would like to get into some good fishing, bass would be preferred but I don't discriminate, I was wondering where would be the best bet for some descent fish. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
There are lots of good lakes in that area. Pelican, bullock, cottonwood, and I've heard bottle hollow has bass now?
I've heard from some of the locals that pelican has some decent largies but is hard to fish from shore, also that bottle hollow is a reservation lake, is the license to fish the reservation lakes worth the money?
Yeah I haven't been up to pelican in a while, we did catch a bunch of smallmouth at starvation though, you could try that. And I've always just bought 1 day licenses for bottle hollow since I don't go up there very often, but I always thought it was worth it, I've never fished there for bass though, just lake trout, but my dad said they have caught a bunch of decent sized largemouth from there lately.
If you do decide to pick up the Rez license then you could also hit [size 2]
Midview Reservoir (Lake Borham). It's just North of the Brigeland turn off between Duchesne and Myton.

That lake still holds the current state record for smallies.
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