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Weber Beauty 2/18
My brother and I headed out early presidents day to hit the weber for a while and started out fast catching a few in the 14 - 17" range right off the bat. As we worked up the holes, I was above him hitting a deep bank when I hooked into one. I was only using my 3 weight and it immediately started putting it to the test. After a long arm tiring fight I got it in close enough for my bro to net. Ended up being 20" and fat! As we continued on some gentleman decided to hike up and hop in the river in front of us when they saw us at the spot, which ruined our groove so we headed out and fished another spot for a while. Overall a great holiday.

[inline "Weber Hog.jpg"]
yay nice fish! did you give said gentleman a piece of your mind? i dont mean to blatantly get into a fight but common courtesy is becoming less and less common
That's a killer fish! And I wouldn't ever be to worried about someone jumping in the river in front of you. Fish eat, all day, everyday! That's also a wonderful way to meet some new people! Wouldn't believe how many people I've met walking up to em, chit chatting. "Oh what ya using... How's the fishing.... Yadda Yadda Yadda" Sometimes you can help them catch fish. Other times they'll help you catch fish! It's a win win!

Or if they're complete dicks, refer back to what kochaunt said Big Grin
[quote SatanLBZ801]That's a killer fish! And I wouldn't ever be to worried about someone jumping in the river in front of you. Fish eat, all day, everyday! That's also a wonderful way to meet some new people! Wouldn't believe how many people I've met walking up to em, chit chatting. "Oh what ya using... How's the fishing.... Yadda Yadda Yadda" Sometimes you can help them catch fish. Other times they'll help you catch fish! It's a win win!

Or if they're complete dicks, refer back to what kochaunt said Big Grin[/quote] ha I love this! Wise words my friend... Plenty if dicks out there but also I have met alot of really cool new fishing buddies. But otherwise great fish dude!
pretty thang.
Nice looking fish, must have been a blast on a 3wt!
"As we continued on some gentleman decided to hike up and hop in the river in front of us when they saw us at the spot, which ruined our groove."
Thats what I call getting Utah'ed.
Nice fish. What section of the weeb? upper middle lower?

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