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Jordan River
With the coming good weather this weekend, I am thinking about fishing the Jordan River for a quick early spring trip. Anyone have any luck this time of year, and what would you recommend as far as technique (i.e. fish on the bottom with a worm/sinker, or drop a worm below a bobber for a shallower presentation)

I am really hoping to get in to some white bass, but I know the water is probably still pretty cold for too much action.

Thanks in advance
Get some small frozen minnows, Use a fairly large (2 or 0) hook, hook the minnow through the eyes then back through the shoulders with the point protruding. With the low flows right now you won't need much weight, maybe a split shot or two. Find slower moving holes & chuck the minnow into the top of the hole & allow it to drift slowly through.

Have fun
You can never go wrong with a worm on the bottom. If you can catch a white bass, cut him up right there and put a chunk on a big hook and let it sit on the bottom. Mr. Channel Cat will find it. The further south you are, the lower the water is. It is literally 2 to 3" deep coming out of the lake in a lot of places. North of point of the mountain should be good. Small lead head jig with small "smelt" GULP! minnow two weeks ago produced a bunch of white bass and a few nice largemouth. Move around until you find fish if possible.

If you fly fish, finding carp in the shallow waters is easy and they'll greedily take large glow bugs, big prince nymphs, wooly buggers, and san juan worms.
Fished from about 2:30 PM until almost 5 near 3300 South. Managed a few bites using worms and gulp minnows, but it was my buddy that stole the show. He hooked in to and landed a nice 15" brown on a worm. I have heard about people catching trout on the Jordan, but I have never witnessed it for myself. The brown was released.
ya they are in there for sure and i think almost more rare to catch then eyes on the jordan. I saw a guy walking down the trailway with about a 24 incher on a stringer last summer and it was a mean lookin brown for sure. wish i had a pic
[quote utahpunk]Fished from about 2:30 PM until almost 5 near 3300 South. Managed a few bites using worms and gulp minnows, but it was my buddy that stole the show. He hooked in to and landed a nice 15" brown on a worm. I have heard about people catching trout on the Jordan, but I have never witnessed it for myself. The brown was released.[/quote]

Don't know if that is a good or a bad thing, we are talking Jordan River[laugh]
But then again, what else would you do with it......[shocked]

That is way cool and great to hear. Any Carp action yet?
Nice, man. This has been the year of the Jordan Brown it seems. I had never caught/seen/heard of anyone getting one before this year, but I've landed three so far -- go figure.

Did you see any carp?
If you saw my post the fish are active but slapping softly. Caught one 20" sucker and had some nice big fish that snapped my line a few times ago. I tossed in fast deep pools or even shallow not that much current.

Rigged with 1 1/2 oz - 2 oz weight with a #2 hook and a big piece of warm.

Today I noticed a Mudder rising up on top so you might be able to slay those little suckers out especially if it warms up I feel a good cat fish season starting soon.
went to the jordan on sunday. me and my dad were fishing for eyes since we usually can pick up a few this time of year, no eyes but my dad got this nice kitty on a green tube, it was pretty aggressive for the cold water.
Give a shout when you wanna got put some flies to the test.[Smile]
ya for sure ill let you know, the flows right now are super clear for the jordan and you can spot fish if you are up on the bank. i didnt have my fly rod or i would have tried out the setup you were talking about for some carp. ill pm you when i plan on doing a fly trip there.

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