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Rod Fix???
I need to fix a eyelit on my baitcaster rod, so i can use it tomorrow morning at Bear Lake. I know that Hooked would do it, but I dont have the gas to drive to kaysville today, then to Bear lake, then to Kaysville tomorrow evening for the rod buiilding class. Does anyone know where i could go in SLC to get that fixed?
this is just a thougt that should work never tried it myself wrap it back on with some reguler sewing thread and seal with 3/4 coats of nail polish then when you go and get it fixed you can remove it with some finger nail polish remover like i said just a thought

i'm leaving for work here shortly i'll take a baitcasting pole with me and you can come by and borrow it for the day if you want hate to see somebody trip scrubbed i work off 5600 W. and the 201 so it not to far for you to drive if your interested give me a call at 975-5062 after 3 PM
too bad you need it so soon,your going to learn how on the second class.
Try Fishtech at 6200 S Highland Dr. Those guys are great.

Sportman's has a full selection of replacement eye's (in the shop) and will fix it if you have time. I believe it is on your way home.

I just had to replace 3 eyes on my salmon pole that got stepped on this fall. Sportman's had the eyes and I just bought supperglue (brush dispenser) and used thread once I had mounted them on the pole. Then several more coats of supper glue with the brush and I was in the game again.

If you wouldn't keep putting your rod in your pants to impress the girls this kinda stuff wouldn't keep happening - probably banned... Utah Censor....
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Drop by my place and I'll loan you a rod but only if you don't let Kent mess with the drag! Seriously, give me a call and I'll have one ready for you if you need one. I'm right on your way![/size][/font]
BLM, you just had to mention that drag didn't you? As I recall, I gave you a good laugh, but you were kind enough to not laugh too hard. I learned a hard lesson that day -- it is not necessary to loosen the drag too much when one is fishing with 20 pound line and 15 pound leader! Losing that nice mack was a hard way to learn it though.

Hey Polokid, you can also use one of my rods -- I have the innercast rod for one and it has a good feel to it for jigging for those macks.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]If you're going to tell the story you need to get it right. That was TWO macks as I recall. The first time just wasn't convincing enough I guess! It took a second time to make you a believer![/size][/font]
Sorry, but I don't recall missing two BECAUSE OF THE DRAG NOT BEING TIGHT ENOUGH; however, being an elderly person, I will defer to the man with the younger memory. Not to worry, I can guarantee that I won't miss any of those macks tomorrow because the drag is too loose!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]You really need to quit drink pop from aluminum cans...[/size][/font]
[size 3]Now you tell me. All this time I thought it was from drinking water from pipes where lead was used to seal the connections.[unsure][/size]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]You're alright in my book, Kent. Even if your memory is shot! Hope your ten pounder shows up! Don't forget to take polokid out and catch a few whitefish. Also the marshmellow goes on before the nightcrawler. Hey is that right, Musky? I keep forgetting and no it's not from aluminum. I drink beer from bottles! I'll be expecting that report and if you don't have pictures I won't believe you.[/size][/font]
I gave the vote to polokid and P-hopper, and they voted for macks -- so not sure how many whitefish that we will land. Maybe I will sneak over a little closer to the rocks while they aren't looking and catch one or two. Camera is packed -- and if I finally land that 10 pounder you can rest assured that I will post pictures. Headed to bed -- leaving at 4:30 to seak that 10 pounder!
BLM,I will try and keep a close eye on Kent tommorrow to see if he holds his rod right and if he looses his 10# do to drag tension, I will let you know!![Wink]And Yes the marshmellow goes on" before "the worm!!"macks luv um"M.H.

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