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last pike of the year of 2013
yep, I managed one last pike before the end of 2013.
28in 5lbs.

other than that, the fishing has been realy slow in SE Mich.,

sorry, no pic, thought I had it on my chip, I will post it next time I get to the libary.

I will do my best to get in next week. between the libary being closed during the holidays and the snow storms keeping me bussy shoveling out neighbors it has been difficult to get in. Even my ice fishing has had to come second to shoveling.. [:/] But that wont stop me. I vow to do more fishing.

Thanks for all the reports guys and gals. its great to see every one having a good time on the ice.
Good for you Dave and it sounds like a good one too. Temps are starting to warm up around here, it is 50* as I type this. If this warming trend continues, ice will be gone before you know it. Hopefully this is just our normal Jan thaw, and it gets cold again, if not, I'll be out in the boat by next month[crazy],
I have been thinking the same thing. I think monday will be my last trip on the ice this year. Got some other things to do first. Also time to get ready for soft water. I gotta get some supplies to change out the seats in the boat still. [Wink]
I really wish we had some where to regularly catch pike or musky. nice job
I knew I forgot to do something.

I will have to remind my self to bring that photo with me the next time I come to the library.

in the mean time you can look to see what I caught by the cart load last week.
Been a long time a comming, this is the last pike of 2013.

ice fishing is about done on my lake. lots of moving waters, will be lookin for river fish soon
We caught one pike this Winter, it was the first I have eaten. What is your preferred way to cook them?
That's one frosty fella. The fish too. LOL
Glad you had a good year. Sure did have a lot of ice even here in CT.
I tried something new this year... and you know how much I hate change [:p]

What I did was to can them like salmon.
I made half dozen pints.
Sad to say, that was not enough... every one wants more...[:p]

I ended catching 4 pike this year of leagle size, kept one.

not enough bluegills [pirate]
One of my friends Reelfast, grew up in your state and told me the other day he use to bottle pike when he was growing up there, said it was the best way to eat them.

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