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[#ff0000]Hunter, Cops, Dog Rescued From Swamp[/#ff0000] [url "*"][/url] Tue Dec 16, 6:46 AM ET

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BRIDGEWATER, Mass. - [font "arial"]Mike Hill was out on a hunting trip with a friend Monday when he got stuck in the muck tracking a deer. His would-be rescuers had similar luck. One after another ... after another ... after another ... [/font]

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Hill, who waded into waist-deep water in a marshy area, grew cold and realized he was lost. He pulled out his cell phone and help was soon on the way. More than two dozen rescue workers from Bridgewater and surrounding towns arrived to search.

But the rescuers couldn't reach Hill. Three firefighters set out on an airboat, but the boat got stuck. The firefighters themselves got mired in the marsh as they tried slogging on foot toward Hill, said Bridgewater Fire Chief Roderick Walsh.

Another firefighter and the police officer with a rescue dog named Gorby set out on an all terrain vehicle from another direction. They, too, got stuck in the swamp, along with the dog. Even a hovercraft brought in by a neighboring town got bogged down, Walsh said.

"We had a lot of trouble locating him because he couldn't orient with anything. It was difficult for us to get in there," Walsh said.

Ultimately, it was a U.S. Coast Guard ([url "*"][#0000ff]news[/#0000ff][/url] - [url "*"][#0000ff]web sites[/#0000ff][/url]) helicopter that managed to pluck Hill, three firefighters, the police officer and Gorby from the marsh — hauling them up, dripping, through the trees to safety in a wire basket.

"It was a pretty big mess," said Coast Guard Lt. Chris Zorman.

Walsh said that everyone — including Gorby — was fine. [Wink][/font]
[crazy]This past weekend was the last weekend for deer hunting here in NY. Our Fire Dept. was called out on a rescue call for a hunter who was late returning home.It was just before dark and the search was just getting under way and it was snowing hard. We had to work fast to in hopes of finding the person. The search area was about 3/4 of a mile into the woods uphill. The team set out doing a grid search in the area of the persons tree stand. It wasn't 10 minutes into the seach when he was found only a little bit of his red coat was visiable through the snow. We were lucky to find him but his luck had run out. He was laying on the ground dead of a massive heart attack, his gun still loaded. We couldn't move him until a total investigation was done by the State Police and a ME To pronounce him dead.We didnot leave the scene until 10:30 that night. Our dept. has a Polaris ATV four wheel drive capable of carrying three people and 1000 pound payload. My firefighters had to make a dozen trips into the wood carrying equipment and police investigators. We were also able to carry the body out. We purchased this AtV just for such problems. It takes the work out of such an unhappy job and saves our firefighter from suffering the same fate as that unfortunate hunter.

The point here is don't hunt alone or let others know the area that you plan to spend the day in. Carrying a cell phone is great but does no always work in mountainous terrain. Be safe your family will appreciate it .

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