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Wiper Fishing in the Rain ... 6/12/2010
Well, Dave Offret and I decided to join the Wiper Fiest today. We pre-fished the lake yesterday and only caught 2.

Today, at the Wiper Fiest, we started out slow with only 3 wipers by 11:00. But then we found the right spot, the right lures, and the right trolling speed. In the next 2 1/2/ hours, we boated another 5-6 wipers and one catfish.

It rained pretty much all day. The Maniac guys put on a pretty decent tournament. There were lots of high-dollar boats there. Those fancy boats made my little tin-bin look pretty insignificant. But we sure enjoyed it anyway.

Over the two days, we lost lots of lures and braided line.

We didn't win but we sure had fun and learned a lot.

[inline Happy-Dave-444.gif]

[inline Laid-Out-444.gif]

Those are some good looking wipers. Im looking to head up there tomorrow but not sure if the weather is going to cooperate.
Sorry to hear you didn't place. thats damn good for the conditions. your the man!

What was the biggest wiper weighed this year?
Nice report Ralph, what was the big fish for the tournament?
[quote wiperhunter2]What was the big fish for the tournament?[/quote]

Someone may correct me on this but I think the winning fish was actually under 5 1bs. So, there were lots of cookie cutter 3.75 pounders caught.

There was less than a lb difference between my team's total weight and the team that took 1st place. Me and Dave tied for 5th so they took the weight of our largest fish. Ours was about an ounce less than the other team so we didn't place.

My team mate, Dave, had one hit supper hard, spool him and break off. Had we got that hog to the net, I suspect we would have placed and possibly even won. But everyon has an "if" story to justify not winning. Right?
Big wiper was 4.91
I just posted the results.
Ok Coot you have to get me on Willard. I need to catch a wiper.
It was good to meet you Ralph. It sure was a tough day of "catchin" but the fishin was still fun!!! All the times I say "All Willard is, is a big bowl of water", I sure am liking it more and more and more, especially when you get a chance to hook into one of those Wipers. It brings back memories of living in Pueblo,Colorado, but the Res. there holds some MONSTERS. These ones caught yesterday you throw back and go for the 10+ lbers!!! I caught the only one in the boat (kochanut),and I lost what felt like a DANDY during "story time" (not paying attention), but like you said "I'm sure everyone has their stories"!!!

Mine weighed in at 3.95 lbs
wher is all the pic. did you have a big fish fry as in years past?
Congrats to Mike4cobra and girlfiend and their win at the Wiper Fest yesterday. Looks like he is picking up where his Dad (Crankem) left off on fishing tournaments in Utah. [fishin]
Yes Justin, it was good to meet you too. It is always good to put a face to a bald head. Sorry you guys had to leave early from the gig. I have yours and Zack's "T" shirts for you.
[fishin] Well the fishing was exactly like you were saying "hit or miss". All my father in-law did was miss. But it was good to get out. I was wondering what you were catching them on or your trolling speed and depth. i think i tryed everything except for dynamite, which i would have tried had i had some ha ha.
[shocked] He ain't going to tell ya he wont tell me!

Damn secret lures! [Wink]

Can't wait to get out and try my luck.
[quote fishinfool][shocked] He ain't going to tell ya he wont tell me!

Damn secret lures! [Wink]

Can't wait to get out and try my luck.[/quote]

Ah, you make me laugh. But I do know how you feel.

A week from today I will be glad to let ya know. But it'll be too late then I guess [laugh][laugh][laugh].

Trust me, when you do find out, you'll say " heck, that ain't no big secret".
LOL! I'm just poken fun. [Wink] I'm hoping a week from now they are biting better.[:p]

I'm sure that is true to. Probably something I got in my box to.
it was great meeting several BFT members, i handed out quiet a few stickers to random people, some people knew who i was, others just said thanks while we shot the breeze. got to meet a few more members like vivid-dawn, bassrods, troll, etc. was fun all in all but isent this the month of june? the gauge in the truck said it was 49 outside what gives!!?

i did like the little hoot and hollering at the ramp when they were checking the livewell in my boat, when someone was telling the officals to check closely because TS and I were probably hiding beer some where [:p]
[quote kochanut]was fun all in all but isent this the month of june? the gauge in the truck said it was 49 outside what gives!!? [/quote]

[font "Courier New"][#004080][size 3]The weather forecast said 60% chance storms. So my optimistic self didn't wear my wool long-john pants, really hoping for that 40% chance of sunny-shine... BLEH! At least I had my fleece blanket over my lap, but that didn't do much.

Still glad I went, though!

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