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My Rod Rack
Hey I just got a digital camera and so can now post pictures!!!!

Here's my 2-rod rack:
That's cool. What does it mount on and where do you mount it? I've been toying with some idears for my toon.
Hey mateo TubeDude helped me with design and ideas, and how to mount it.
I drew this crude diagram of one way to mount it (but probably not what I'm going to do):
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=3664;]

Here's a diagram that he created for me for a single tube, which I connected two together to form a 2 rod holder:
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=3666;]
I will mount mine using this technique, just anchoring both vertical tubes to D-rings on my donut.
Very interesting. What size pvc do you guys use? I like the way that they're mounted with nylon cord. I was thinking of using some sort of rail bracket, but that would make it difficult to move it if I didn't like the mounting spot. Hmm, off to Lowe's I go.
I used 1 1/2 " but not PVC I used ABS. I like the black color instead of the white, but it's not as strong as PVC (ABS is more brittle) but it shouldn't matter since it's not holding any kind of weight.

I have a single rod holder to mount on the right side for holding my rod while tying a knot or trolling or landing a fish or whatever, and the double on my left to hold an extra 2 rods (usually 1 fly rod and 1 spinning).
[cool][blue][size 1]Hey Mateo, if you wander back through some of our past pages you will see a real evolution in different designs and types of rod holders. I have posted pics of everything from heavy duty 4 tube holders to lightweight horizontal racks.[/size][/blue]

[#0000ff][size 1]I used to use 1 1/4" schedule 40 PVC for my tubes. I recently made a 3 tube rack from schedule 20 in the 1" size. Most of my rod handles will fit in the schedule 20 stuff and it is about half the weight. I will repost a few pictures from the past, for your entertainment. Feel free to ask questions where the designs might not be so obvious.[/size][/#0000ff]
Yep, definitely lowes, definitely. I needed another project anyways. I have too much free time. Thanks cat_man.
TudeDude, sorry, I didn't mean to slight you[pirate]. I've followed a lot of your posts, and seen a lot of your pics and ideas. You were very instrumental in me getting my float tube set up, and I incorporated some of your ideas. However, the one time that I've been on my pontoon so far, I realized that I didn't want a bunch of stuff hanging off the sides and getting in the way of the oars. I have enough trouble with them. I was considering getting a couple of the rapid release type of holder, advertised on this site, and using a rail mount adapter. Wally world has something similar. I like building my own stuff though.
[cool][blue][size 1]No worries, mateo. I didn't take anything as a slight. I ain't that sensitive. Just ask my wife.[/size][/blue]

[#0000ff][size 1]Just wanted to be sure you hadn't missed anything you might use for inspiration. As we all know, there is no "one size fits all" in this business. The more creative and industrious amongst us take an idea and run with it.[/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 1]I'm cool widdat.[/size][/#0000ff]
I think you should be referred to as the MacGyver of float tubing. Give you a piece of chewing gum and a pocket knife, and you'll build a rod rack, fish finder, and probably a decent barbecue grill. My hat's off to you.
You should see the big screen tv he's mounting on his tube now!!![Wink]
Aside from the electrocution danger, that would be cool. What would you use for ballast though? Pool table? Fridge?
[cool][blue][size 1]The big screen TV is on the upper deck, along with the gas grill, all of the other electronics and the generator. Gotta keep the lower deck open for fishing activities.[/size][/blue]

[#0000ff][size 1]Thinking of adding a third deck for a game room.[/size][/#0000ff]
Sounds like too many distractions for me. Plus I'd get my line tangled on everything. I have enough issues with that.
I would just use my big butt for balast, I don't know about you.

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