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Tiger Muskie(s!) report with pic...
I talked MGB into going Tiger Muskie fishing Thursday afternoon (didn't take much talking) and we launched with sunny skies and no wind at all around 5:00 p.m. Since it was optimal casting conditions, we decided to not troll and cast cast cast. In the first secret spot, we had a big tiger riser almost immediatly, which is the first time I've ever seen that happen and gave me the shakes...looked like an alligator! The second spot we went to, we had another riser right at the side of the boat just as I removed my lure from the water. Had I been paying attention, I might have been able to leave it in a little longer and he might have gotten it. In the third secret spot, we were starting to drag up a few snags and weeds, when the weed that I drug up was a 20" Tiger Muskie! (See photo) which was only my 2nd ever!
Well, since we had so much action on Thursday, I twisted MGB's arm again and we decided to go Friday afternoon also. My wrist was still sore from all the casting the day before, but again, it was optimal casting conditions so thats what we did...we didn't even see so much as a riser most of the evening and then right after unsnagging my lure from a tree, I got another snag...or so I thought...until it started taking my drag out! Thats when the fun started...I yelled "Fish on!" and yelled to MGB to get the net...which only messed us up because MGB doesn't usually use the net...Anyway, we managed to get it close to the boat after 3 or 4 attempts as it kept on going down time after time taking my drag along with it, finally Mike got it into the net and we brought it into the boat...just then it flipped my lure with a viscous head toss, which was going to be next on the agenda anyway, so I immediately went for the camera...the next thing I saw was MGB doing a circus juggling act as the big Muskie flipped itself out of the net...Mike being fairly agile, managed to catch it again, but unfortunately was so out of balance that he was now hanging over the back of the boat with the net holding the muskie...well, the tiger decided it was done playing so once more it did a big body flip and almost took MGB with it as he tried to catch it usuccessfully this time for the 3rd time! We deemed it an excellent successful release as it swam quickly back down to the depths from whence it came...unfortunately, everything happened so fast, I never did quite get to the camera and we never got a photo of it. We estimated it at about 33 inches or so and was the biggest, most fightingest fish I've ever had on a pole. I was shaking, we were both laughing so hard we couldn't stop and my adrenaline was pumping! I really thought it was a big old log snag again at first! Two Tigers in two days! It was really fun being out with MGB hunting those tigers and seeing how it is properly done. He is truly a master at that Tiger hunting and I really learned alot, both in technique, habit and locations. He taught me a lot about the habits and such of the Muskies especially during high water time like it is now. He's got the Muskie hunting machine also as his boat fishes excellently! Had I been out by myself I'm sure I would have got skunked! Thanks Mike for 2 most excellent Tiger Muskie trips! Hope to do it again soon!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
Awesome guys!![Smile][Smile] Those fish are addicting to me and alot of other people. Can you blame us? I am going up Monday at noon for a solid 1/2 day of nothing but tigers. I am going to start with my fly rod and see what happens.
It was good to see you get a couple tigers. I felt bad about letting that tiger get away with out you getting a pic. When I netted him in the water I thought the fight was over but then the muskie trampolined out of the net and I thought OH S**T! Then I was relieved when I caught him in mid air, but he was wasn't finished he trampolined again and after a balancing act and the muskie getting out of my reach the muskie teater tottered back into the water, sorry about that.

I went back agian this morning and another little muskie like the one in the picture chomped my lure at the side of the boat when I went to lift him out of the water he shook him self free. Its good to see we have a new generation of muskies.
For me the best lure has been a small smallie. Yes, I know, you can't do it on pupose - illegal!!!!!! However, I have had several fight me for a smallie but they allways win with 6# line or they simple release em, kind of cut up!![shocked] One of these days I'm going after those dudes. I'll have to learn how to land em in a tube though. I've had some pretty big guys harass me. [Smile]
Sue sounds like great fun! Those are some pretty cool fish to have around. Kind of unique. I've only landed one in my days, and hopefully I'll be able to get a few more before long. Thanks for the great report.
Congrats Randy! Aren't many local fish that Mike hasn't figured out.
Congrats on the musky. The lure you are using looks like the one that i cought the 24" brown on down by the dam. It was a supprise as we were troling for musky.
Just be careful you said you got the shakes. That is the first sign of the fever. If you go again you might experience the advance stages. After that theres nothing you can do. You will find yourself with hundereds of dollors worth of lures. Specialized Musky rods and a season pass for pineview. Good luck

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