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How to avoid over inflating a tube
[#0000FF]Most overinflation problems (damaged air bladders) happen because of transporting your fully aired up tube in a hot car...or out in the hot sun. But you can also suffer some damage by bringing your craft in to shore and leaving it pulled up out of the water when the sun is beating down. Only a few minutes and your ride can swell to dangerous pressure.

As already suggested, you should always lower the air pressure while getting to the water...with your craft either inside a closed vehicle or exposed in a truck bed or trailer. Ditto for the ride home after fishing.

When you get to the water, air your craft up to a good pressure gauge really needed. Then position it partly in the water while you finish prepping to launch. Then check the firmness again before you head out. Early on cool mornings you will often have to put in some more air to firm it back up.

Unless it gets really hot and bright later, you shouldn't have to worry about adjusting the air pressure while you are fishing. The difference would be if it got much warmer with hot overhead sun. That can harden up your ride big time. When I lived and fished in Arizona I sometimes had to touch the valve lightly by late morning to reduce pressure slightly. And as soon as I hit the shore coming back in I bled off more air while the tube was waiting for packing up and leaving.

You can have just the opposite problem if launching late in the afternoon for some evening fishing. Make sure your craft is hard-full at launch. Then watch it for sagging as the sun drops and temperatures cool. This is a good time to carry a small portable air pump in case you need to add some air later.

Many of the little 12 volt air pumps will not put in more than about 3 no problem. In fact, a lot of us who use them use a hand pump to harden them up a bit. But you should not need a pressure guage. Firm covers will keep you afloat without damage. Just don't let them overinflate in the heat.

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Re: [happybob91] How to avoid over inflating a tube - by TubeDude - 05-06-2017, 12:49 PM

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