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DWR Response...Dead Walleyes at Willard
[#0000FF]Sorry you didn't get more fishy love. And glad you were able to meet some nice folks.

Unfortunately, your experience is a negative reinforcement of the statements I have made, regarding the cycles and waves of fish showing up at the inlet. Actually, I suspect that the spawn is close to winding down and there are not likely to be as many walleyes from now on...but the wipers will be coming on strong fairly soon.

Believe me, if the walleyes had been "in" you would probably not have found a rock to stand on. Word travels fast among the regulars and they show up en mass to harvest them. But if the pickings are slim they just stay home and wait them out...until they get a call from one of their buddies.

During a full walleye spawn period, there will be periods of peak activity...followed by days with far fewer fish showing up. As with a lot of fishing, it is a combination of perseverance and luck. When the fish are more numerous, there is a better chance of catching some legally. the snaggers is also better for their activities.

Serious walleye chasers know that as soon as the walleyes settle down from the spawn they put on the feedbag and REAL fishing gets much better. The to first find the fish and then to serve them something to which they will respond.

Keep at it. You will get there.

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Re: [Optimizer] My recent experience at the Willard spillway - by TubeDude - 04-08-2018, 12:19 PM

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