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DWR Response...Dead Walleyes at Willard
"Btw, I like fishing for the walleyes more in May, june, and July than I do during the Willard spawn..."

[#0000FF]Perzactly! I used to fish the dikes during the "run"...mostly over at the NW corner. And I caught a lot of fish. But I can't remember the last time I actually fished at the inlet. Like yourself, I'm really not into making a lot of new friends while fishing. I enjoy the solitary aspect of the sport and I'm really not into full contact fishing.

You are 100% right. Fishing post spawn walleyes is a lot easier and more fun. The fish actively chomp your bait or lures and even fight a bit more. I chase them post spawn in Starvation, Willard, Utah Lake and Deer Creek. Anglers who know these lakes...and how to fish for walleyes...can usually count on scoring well after the spawn. And there are a whole lot of walleye that are caught at this time by anglers who are fishing for other species..."on accident".

I took no offense at any of your comments. You know what you experienced and that is real to you. Just the same as I have my own experiences and observations to shape my own outlook. We each have our own realities...and we are entitled to them without attack from anybody else with differing opinions.

You and I have had past communications and have even shared the water at Bear Lake a couple of times. I respect you as a knowledgeable and ethical fellow fisherman.

We're good here.

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Re: [gmwahl] DWR Response...Dead Walleyes at Willard - by TubeDude - 04-09-2018, 10:13 AM

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