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Lindon Kitty Session 3-12-19
[#0000FF]How do you like my "smackeze" talk? Think it will stir up any more serious competition?[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]By the way, lest ye misunderstand why I don't enter fish smaller than about 25 inches is that it is too much hassle from a float tube. I carry my bump board on one side of my tube and when I want to measure a fish I have to unfold it, pin the end board in and then slip it over the mounting rod on the front of my tube. Then I have to rassle the fish to get it to settle down and lay still for a pic...if I remembered to pull out my sticker. As often as not, just as I am ready to squeeze off the camera button the fish starts flopping around and I gotta let go of the camera (on a lanyard around my neck) and subdue the reluctant celebrity...and do it all over again.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]It takes several minutes of my fishing time just to take a picture of a fish on the bump board. Much easier to just hold the smaller ones and go for whatever shot I can get. Some turn out okay. Others not so much. But I am properly grateful for any that come to play and I never take a good day for granted.

Messages In This Thread
Lindon Kitty Session 3-12-19 - by TubeDude - 03-12-2019, 10:54 PM
Re: [catchinon] Lindon Kitty Session 3-12-19 - by TubeDude - 03-14-2019, 06:53 PM

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