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Let's talk (ice) fishingline

I suspect line abrasion that you might not even see.

I've seen no problem with age on the three pound test, but I keep it out of sun by covering the reel when I'm not fishing it at the moment.

One mistake I made with the three pound test was a cast near the dam at Strawberry where I was catching large fish right next to the strong current of the dam, but to cast that close I got the line in a chain link fence. My mistake was to continue fishing it without pulling off enough line to remove line that touched the fence. I caught a big fish with my drag set correctly as proven by it working for the previous fish, so it shouldn't have been able to snap the line. I believe the line is sensitive to abrasion and any section that touches anything that can be abrasive should be removed. It's not worth being thrifty by continuing to use it. I had enough spooled that missing some wouldn't have been a problem at all. I learned to be willing to sacrifice lengths of line that might have even the slightest of abrasion.

Related post:;#1018655

That was over two years ago and I've used this same line a few times since then and haven't noticed any difference with age. If you have experienced problems with age, I wonder if it could be related to sun exposure. I notice many people allow their lines to be out in the sun when not in their hands fishing it. It's easy enough to cover the spool.

On 10 pound test Nano line, which I had much longer, with time and many years of use it went from round to flat like dental floss. It still worked. My choice of reels are typically large enough to have a lot of line length for the rare times that I get a fish so big that it needs to run or break my line, so I had enough to remove it and reel it on from the other end to have fresh line where it counts.

Messages In This Thread
Let's talk (ice) fishingline - by Cowboypirate - 12-21-2019, 12:00 AM
Re: [2knots] Let's talk (ice) fishingline - by RonPaulFan - 12-23-2019, 05:35 AM

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