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Tube Dude did it again
Not as timely as I use to be on my post but hey it's only the next day <grin>.

Went to Deer Creek with FB2 for the 1st float of the year. You could not have asked for a nicer day on the water. No wind sunny skies and it had to be in the mid 50s. We packed our tubes from the hiway down to the island were we launched. The mud swallowed me up to my ankles, sheesh that makes it tough to get going LOL. We paddled out to the ice cap and started fishing. For me I was using jigs only. I am going to master these little buggers if it takes the rest of my fishing life <very big Smile>. Well we fished the ice ledge for a couple of hours and had no real luck. I had a couple of bites, but being rusty missed them all by a whole lot! I decided to paddle across the lake to the north bank. No snow on the groud there and I figured the water should be a few degrees warmer. I can't swear that it was. I set myself about thirty feet off the bank and started tossing jigs at the shore line and working them back to me. The usual colors were not working, so I changed to a black pony head w/brass blade. Started working the points and rocks and sure enough BLAM a nice 18 incher. Boy was she a pretty rainbow. Had another 3 good hits in the same area but missed all of them. Now it was starting to get late and we paddled back across the lake. It sure didn't seem that far when we went out there. Only one fish for the outing. caught on one of TDs specials! (Hey the ones I made seem to have no effect of them fish ..... will try something different now) Tincan showed up in his yak but he had no luck either. For a 1st outing in the tubes it was pretty good. Nice weather good company and even caught a fish. For any of you going to Deer Creek I took this beauty in about 15 feet of water. No sonar this trip as FB2 used it for ice fishing and didn't recharge the battery. So I don't know the water temps or true depths. Going to have to do this again real soon though I forgot how much fun the tube this winter.

Messages In This Thread
Tube Dude did it again - by road - 03-14-2004, 10:03 PM
Re: [road] Tube Dude did it again - by TubeDude - 03-14-2004, 11:02 PM

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