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Northeastern Nevada Fishing Report 8/18/04
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000][size 3][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#006666][size 5][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][/url][/font]Northeastern Nevada
[/size][/#006666][/font][/size][/#000000][/font][size 2]For the week of August 18, 2004[/size] [ul] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]Angel Lake[/url][/size][/font] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]Crittenden Reservoir[/url][/size][/font] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]Dorsey Reservoir[/url][/size][/font] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]Jiggs / Zunino Reservoir[/url] [/size][/font] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]Mountain Streams & Lakes[/url] [/size][/font] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]Ruby Lake NWR[/url] [/size][/font] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]South Fork Reservoir[/url][/size][/font] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]Wildhorse Reservoir[/url] [/size][/font] [li][font "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 1][url ""]Wilson Reservoir[/url] [/size][/font][/li][/ul] [indent]
The great rains we had this week are good news for anglers. While fishing generally slows down when low fronts move in, it is good on both sides of the front. The influx of cold water into our high desert reservoirs is good for trout and can mean some good surface fishing before the water starts to heat back up. Stream flows are temporarily recharged, though the first 24 hours after the rain the water may be silted and muddy before it clears so you should use larger flies that either have a lot of flash or are dark in color. While the bite is generally pretty good right before a low pressure system moves in, it slowly gets better after a large low moves out. So what does all that mean? It means, get out and fish, you sure aren’t going to catch any fish while watching TV!
If you do go out and fish, send a picture for the new Braggin’ Board in NDOW’s Elko lobby. You can bring it by or mail it to NDOW, 60 Youth Center Road, Elko NV 89801. Please include the angler’s name, age, species of fish and where it was caught. You can also email it to [url ""][/url].

[#990033][/url]ANGEL LAKE[/#990033] [indent]
Fishing has been fair to good. Brook and rainbow trout are in good shape and with a little work, limits are being filled. Worms and rainbow PowerBait work well. Small spinners and rooster tails are also favorites in just about any color. Movement seems to mean more than the color. This is a great float tube lake.[/indent]
[#990033][/url]CRITTENDEN RESERVOIR[/#990033] [indent]
Fishing has been fair for trout and good for bass, though some of the bass are a little on the small size. Good fly patterns include just about any pattern with peacock herl including prince nymphs and zug bugs. Small leech, wooly bugger and snail patterns should also work here. Rubber grubs in dark colors are still the best bet for bass.[/indent]
[#990033][/url]DORSEY RESERVOIR[/#990033] [indent]
Fishing is done here for the summer.[/indent]
[#990033][/url]JIGGS / ZUNINO RESERVOIR[/#990033] [indent]

Jiggs has managed to maintain some water and with the recent rains, it should be good for a while longer. Several anglers have reported fair to good fishing with most fish being caught on worms early in the morning. [/indent]
[#990033][/url]MOUNTAIN STREAMS & LAKES[/#990033] [indent]
Fishing in most streams is fair to good. The day after the rains is generally slow and it should pick up after that. Drifting nymphs over a strike indicator and floating line is working. Lamoille Creek has been fair to good using grasshopper patterns in size 14 and mosquito and mosquito larvae patterns in sizes 14,16 and 18. Overland Lake and Favre Lake are producing plenty of fish, though they aren’t very big. For those not familiar with the area, Dollar Lakes on the way to Lamoille Lake, do not contain fish. Anglers at Lamoille Lake have had a little success, mostly with spinners and worms. Hidden Lake is producing the occasional cutthroat in the 12-inch range while Robinson has brookies hitting regularly. Favorite patterns this time of year at most of these waters include black ants, zug bugs, hoppers, bumble bee and small wooly buggers with lots of flash. [/indent]
[#990033][/url]RUBY LAKE NWR[/#990033] [indent]
One angler reported 25 bass with 6 keepers off of the long dike between 6 and 8 pm during Monday night’s rain. Dike fishing has been more successful this year than it has the last two years and the late evening hours have been the most productive. Black, dark purple and dark red rubber worms work the best. The most hits seem to be coming right at the edge of the weeds.[/indent]
[#990033][/url]SOUTH FORK RESERVOIR[/#990033] [indent]

Water levels are still good for this time of year. The weeds in the shallows are getting thick and fishing is just fair. The best fishing is still near the dam and worms still seem to be the best when fished 20 to 30 feet deep. Fly-fishing is slow with morning producing the best results, though for a few days after the rain with somewhat moderate temperatures, the fish may move up in the water column closer to the surface. Try fishing the original streambed at the upper end of the lake. Bass is fair to good, with some nice fish being caught in south end of the lake in the dead trees that line the old riverbed. Fish using rubber gear slowly on the bottom around the structure. [/indent]

[#990000][/url]WILDHORSE RESERVOIR[/#990000] [indent]
Water is still flowing out at a fast rate and levels continue to drop. Not a lot of change here though fishing has picked up a little in the deeper water. Fishing for both perch and trout has been fair to good in the canyon by the dam. There were a few nice 14 to 15 inch trout taken off of the bottom in that area and 8 to 10 inch perch are also being caught there. Catfish are being taken in the rest of the lake generally early in the morning using stink baits or worms. [/indent]
[#990000][/url]WILSON RESERVOIR[/#990000] [indent]
Water levels are good and fishing has been fair to good for both trout and bass. The best area for trout is between the boat ramp and the dam with many good-sized fish being caught using fluorescent colored or rainbow PowerBait and worms right at the mouth of the canyon while fishing from shore. Trolling should also be effective. Fishing for bass is good in the willows and along weed beds.[/indent][/indent]

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Northeastern Nevada Fishing Report 8/18/04 - by Powermaker - 08-18-2004, 10:49 AM

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