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Who will benefit the sportsman the most?
ya know guys, I am realy up in the air on this one...

bush family has a trashed track record when it comes to the environment. for example, bush single handedly saved the porfolios of the peta's soy bean industry a couple years back when idaho was having their drout and bush overturned a state ban on pumping waters from rivers with endangered species just so peta could have soy beans to satifie botom line proffits... {no animals got hurt by raising soy bean} COW MANURE...

how ever one of Karys' biggest suporters is michigans governer Grandholm who is a member of peta and attempts every legal manuver she can get away with putting a damper on huntng and fishing in the state of michigan. the only time she backs down is when the demicratic fishing and hunting voters are upset and voice out..

who is the lesser of the two evils? "GOD ONLY KNOWS".

Messages In This Thread
Re: [cat_man] POLL: Who will benefit the sportsman the most? - by michigander2u - 08-10-2004, 10:41 PM
Re: [Bassmaster-ND] POLL: Who will benefit the sportsman the most? - by davetclown - 08-19-2004, 11:05 PM

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