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Jigging Spoons...Ice Fishing Ain't Just For Wimps
[cool][#0000ff]If you would like to start by making some hammered sinker lures, like I did, I still have a bajillion of those sinkers left over. I bought out a big bin of them from Smith and Eddies about 1980. They range anywhere from about 1/4 oz. to an ounce. Easy to hammer into shape, then all you got to do is paint them or prism tape them. I have caught a whole lot of fishies on the sinker jigs. But, as I write this, my tackle desk is covered with about a hundred of the new "casting spoons" in a variety of new colors, waiting for the epoxy paint to dry.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let me know if you want some of those sinkers. You can come over and I will show you how to pound them flat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also, after you get your molds, we can get together for a remedial course. You can also use any of mine you need until you get them for your own collection.[/#0000ff]

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Re: [Out4Trout] Jigging Spoons...Ice Fishing Ain't Just For Wimps - by TubeDude - 11-19-2004, 01:03 AM

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