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What the Denver Public School administrators failed to do was determine the caliber of the finger guns, thus making their actions illegal. This is also the school district that teaches anti-hunting to impressionable, young minds as part of the classroom. PETA, we all know what PETA is, distributes the material free of charge and anyone who disputes the teachings is considered a disruptive factor in the classroom.
It's time for all parents to take an active role in what their kids are learning in school and challenge any anti-hunting material. This happened to me in California, Santa Clara County to be exact. The teacher of my daughter's sixth grade class was teaching that hunting was bad for animals and an immoral act. How would you respond to your daughter asking you if you were an immoral person? I found out that the teacher was a card carrying PETA member and had convinced the principal that anti-hunting should be taught at an early age. Luckily, the school board didn't agree, after a few hundred parents showed up for the hearing, and dismissed the teacher (she appealed and it was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum). If the parents hadn't stood up and been heard, I hate to think what California schools would be like now.
Know what your kids are being taught in school, take an active role in their education. Afterall, they are your children.

Messages In This Thread
ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by twoindyhicks - 05-15-2002, 05:38 PM
Re: [twoindyhicks] ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by johnincolorado - 09-28-2002, 01:00 PM
Re: [twoindyhicks] ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by Ghost - 09-30-2002, 11:47 PM

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