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every angler should have a gaft when ice fishing?

the proper way to use a gaft is to place the larg hook that in many cases are so blunt you couldnt poke a hole in butter inder the gill plate and pull them up through the ice hole. Its pretty hard to pull a 25 inch walleye or 4 foot musky or sturgeon through a 8 inch hole side ways [laugh]

there is no real need to kill the fish with a gaft to bring it in.

we have fish in michigan with slot limits and yes we do have to take great care of how we handle them. depending on the fish in question we could end up with a fine from $500 to a grand for killing a protected fish...

It is realy up to the sportsman to learn the whats and how to's. I understand how some states say well we cant trust our anglers to use thier tools properly so we will just have to ban the use of a particular tool.

Our anglers here in michigan have to be even more vigulant in their attempts to target their slot limit sized fish cause this state also allows spearing of different species on most all of it lakes.

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Re: [hedgesd] every angler should have a gaft when ice fishing? - by davetclown - 12-31-2004, 11:24 PM

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