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Concider GPS on Ice?
Have you ever gone out ice fishing on the lake or fishing in the summer and you hafe a hot spot that you want to get back to when the snow and ice have covered all your land marks and your perception of where your hole is lost?

My question is that I put to you today is "GPS" (Global Positioning System)

this is suspost to be acurate with in a foot and no one knows better than an ice fisherman that a foot one way or the other can make all the difference in catching fish and not. Especialy on the larger lakes where you wonder out a mile or so just to get close to your hole. (summer and winter vantage points change drasticaly doe to the illusion of distance apear diferent)

So I am asking -

[Image: hand.gif] has or do any Icefishing anglers use or has used this device to locate their hole in the dead middle of winter?

[Image: hand.gif] If so how close was the acuracy to bringing you back to your hole. in other words were you able to get on the drop off on the first cut?

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Concider GPS on Ice? - by davetclown - 10-25-2002, 01:10 PM

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