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a new duck dog?
Cowmilker, you have touched on one of the best hobbies in the world (next to fishing) :}
all though I dont have as many dogs under my belt as some of the others I do a few and the one thing that I have not seen anyone say is make sure you work with the dog EVERY DAY.
The most important thing is not so much to train your dog to fetch sit stay and all the other bar tricks, But is to just teach the dog to learn. You need to always work them. There is a book and I am sorry I cant think of the name or auther I will try to get it to you in a couple days but he is one of the best when it comes to training.

One other thing is make sure you separate toys and tools. What you use for training and what you use for play should never be mixed together or you dog can mistake your days shot for a keep away toy.

Also when you work with the pup make sure nobody else is putting in there 2 cents. The pup needs to be focused on you and only you. for the first couple weeks it was just me and the dog, then I would invite a kid out but no talking then kinda work it from there.

The one about the pup and I wil have to find the exact time frames but there is a fram of time and I think it is week 16 or so to week 38 ir 48 that they have found the pups are most teachable per say. kinda like a kid at the age of 4-6. Best time to teach them. I will work on getting that info for ya and try to get back in the next day or so.

Good luck. As frustrating as training can be there are few feeling that can beat that of watching you dog retreaive a down bird on that opening day.

Messages In This Thread
a new duck dog? - by Cowmilker - 07-03-2005, 05:00 PM
Re: [Cowmilker] a new duck dog? - by tynyum9800 - 07-06-2005, 02:30 PM
Re: [tynyum9800] a new duck dog? - by Cowmilker - 07-07-2005, 02:56 AM
Re: [Cowmilker] a new duck dog? - by FishFearMe - 07-11-2005, 03:02 AM

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