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black's on blue's..
[cool][#0000ff]No harm, no foul. It's sometimes tough to keep up with the different laws and the changes. It pays to thoroughly go through the proclamations every year when they first come out and to make notes of anything that might affect you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In a state like Utah, with so many "unique" regulations, you have to be double careful. It seems like almost every water has special regulations. That makes it a good idea to keep a copy of the proclamation in your fishing vehicle and to read the regs on any water you are going to, just to be sure. That is especially good advice any time you are fishing a spot for the first time. Could keep you out of trouble. Most COs use the guideline that "ignorance of the law is no excuse"...and they are right.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]A lot of us in Utah are "multi-state" anglers and some of us even buy season licenses in the other states we fish. That can get really confusing when there are such different regs in the different states...and even on different waters.[/#0000ff]

Messages In This Thread
black's on blue's.. - by fuzzyfisher - 05-30-2006, 09:34 PM
Re: [TubeDude] black's on blue's.. - by bodine11 - 05-31-2006, 01:04 PM
Re: [bodine11] black's on blue's.. - by TubeDude - 05-31-2006, 02:05 PM
Re: [TubeDude] black's on blue's.. - by bodine11 - 05-31-2006, 03:23 PM
Re: [bodine11] black's on blue's.. - by TubeDude - 05-31-2006, 03:48 PM
Re: [bodine11] black's on blue's.. - by kentofnsl - 05-31-2006, 02:11 PM

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