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Tiger Muskie(s) report 6/10...!!
Well, we (my family and I) had initially decided to take the Malibu family boat up to Pineview for the day (Saturday 6/10). But at 4:30 a.m., my wife declared out as she wasn't feeling well, and one kid was at a sleep over and another was out late the night before, so with the kitchen pass acquired, I went out and hooked up the fishing boat instead and went fishing by myself. I launched before 6:00 a.m. at the Port Ramp at Pineview with my raincoat on. Still fishless by 9:00 a.m. after casting in all the places that looked good, I decided to troll over to the next spot while I ate breakfast. I had two poles out and was just going past a family who had camped on the shore...just then my drag started going out on one pole. Fabulous I thought. What a great time to get a snag. Right when I've got spectators as the mom, dad and two kids were out playing on the beach and had just yelled "Hi" to me. Well, I stopped the boat...and my drag kept going backwards! Fish on...and it was BIG! The kids saw me fighting the fish and they started yelling to their dad that "the fisherman just caught a big fish!", well, by the time I got it up to the boat, I had drifted to within 10 feet of the camping family, and they had ringside seats to the whole show! The kids and the dad came over and looked at the Tiger Muskie while I carefully removed the hook and the friendly folks offered to take my picture with it! Afterwhich it went swimming happily away (on the other side of the boat from the kids!) It was just under 32 inches! Thats me holding it in the first pic, the second pic is the friendly family that was entertained! Well, that behind me, I continued trolling and eating breakfast over to the next spot (MGB, it' the same spot we got the circus show juggling act 33 incher last Friday!) and after about 10 minutes of casting had another fish on! No specatators this time, I took a picture of it in the water. It went 28 1/2 inches. After releasing it, it sat there and hovered right next to my boat for a long time before tailslapping the water as it dove back down to the depths. (See the 3rd and 4th pics.) These were my 4th and 5th Tiger Muskies ever and I am still jazzed about the double. (Thanks again MGB for training!). I finally have a picture of me that is worthy of being an avatar!
Pineview was awesome today! Glass water and no wind and t-shirt weather (after the rain stopped around 6:30!)

I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.

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Tiger Muskie(s) report 6/10...!! - by N.E.T.O. - 06-11-2006, 12:41 AM

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