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north side fishers island 7/29,niantic 7/30
that is why I like pole beans, if the water gets knee high they are still out of the water, and they are some what drout resistant. I havent bought pole bean seeds in years, I let a few pods every year go to seed...

I havent wattered my garden for a month now, so only a couple days of rain this past month... I have a rain barrol I will raid tomarow, I havent emptied it all year so it should be a skeeter fest by now...

what helped my garden is all the fish guts I put in the garden. it helps to hold water and feed the plans... an old indian trick. my sweet corn is 10 feet tall now... still needs water... hopefuly tomarow I will get around to it. I have a 5 foot section of over hang to do and then I will be done with the roof other than cleaning up the mess....

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Re: [gdn443] north side fishers island 7/29,niantic 7/30 - by davetclown - 08-10-2006, 03:24 AM

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