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Some catfish questions
Again like tube said welcome aboard. Cats really do seem to bite all the time, but I know alot of people that will only fish for them at night. If you can find rooster liver in your area the stuff is awesome. Its alot tougher than chicken liver and stinks a whole lot worse. Its almost impossable to throw off the hook. Cats can be very opertunistic depending on the species so the condition of the bait dosent always seem to matter. I have a friend who would always let chicken liver sit out in the sun a few days before he went fishing. The stuff was rancid but we would always catch more fish off it than fresh liver. Recently I've caught alot of channel cats off live minnows and if you catch a bluegill you can make cutbait which is another one of my favorites. Hope that helped you out some, if you have anymore questions feel free to ask these guys on here have alot of info to share.


Messages In This Thread
Some catfish questions - by UltraFace - 07-23-2007, 09:58 AM
Re: [UltraFace] Some catfish questions - by mattscru - 07-24-2007, 03:32 AM

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